List of publications







[81] Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"Machine vs Humans in a Cursive Script Reading Experiment without Linguistic Knowledge",
in Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 93-98, October 9-13 1994.
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[82] S.J. Dickinson, Robert Bergevin, I. Biederman, J.-O. Eklundkh, R. Munck-Fairwood and A. Pentland,
"The Use of Geons for Generic 3-D Object Recognition",
in Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (Savoie, France), pp. 1693-1699, August 30-September 3 1993.
[83] Sonia Verreault, Denis Laurendeau and Robert Bergevin,
"Pose determination for an object in a 3-D image using geometric hashing and the interpretation tree",
in Conférence canadienne de génie électrique et informatique, (Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique), pp. 755-758, septembre 1993.
[84] Robert Bergevin and M.D. Levine,
"Generic Object Recognition: Building and Matching Coarse Descriptions from Line Drawings",
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 15, no 1, pp. 19-36, Jan. 1993.
[85] Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"Allograph Adjacency Constraints for Cursive Script Recognition",
in Proc. of the Third International Workshop on Frontier in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR), pp. 252-261, May 25-27 1993.
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[86] Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"Fuzzy-Shape Grammars for Cursive Script Recognition",
in Advances in Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition(H. Bunke ed.), pp. 320-332, World Scientific Publishing, 1993.
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[87] M.D. Levine, Robert Bergevin and Q.L. Nguyen,
"Shape Description Using Geons as 3D Primitives",
in Visual Form(C. Arcelli et al. ed.), pp. 363-377, New York: Plenum Press, 1992.
[88] Robert Bergevin and M.D. Levine,
"Part Decomposition of Objects from Single View Line Drawings",
CVGIP: Image Understanding, vol. 55, no 1, pp. 73-83, Jan. 1992.
[89] Robert Bergevin and M.D. Levine,
"Extraction of Line Drawing Features for Object Recognition",
Pattern Recognition, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 319-334, March 1992.
[90] Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"A Handwriting Model for Syntactic Recognition of Cursive Script",
in Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 308-312, August 31 to September 3 1992.
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