List of publications







[1] Alejandro Cervantes, Christian Gagné, Pedro Isasi and Marc Parizeau,
"Evaluating and Characterizing Incremental Learning from Non-Stationary Data",
ArXiv e-prints, vol. 1806.06610, 6 2018.
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[2] Vahab Akbarzadeh, Christian Gagné and Marc Parizeau,
"Sensor Control for Temporal Coverage Optimization",
in Proc. of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2016) , 7 2016.
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[3] Vahab Akbarzadeh, Christian Gagné and Marc Parizeau,
"Kernel Density Estimation for Target Trajectory Prediction",
in Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 09 2015.
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[4] Marc-André Gardner, Christian Gagné and Marc Parizeau,
"Controlling Code Growth by Dynamically Shaping the Genotype Size Distribution",
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, vol. 16, no 4 , pp. 455--498, 2015.
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[5] Vahab Akbarzadeh, Julien-Charles Lévesque, Christian Gagné and Marc Parizeau,
"Efficient Sensor Placement Optimization Using Gradient Descent and Probabilistic Coverage",
Sensors, vol. 14, pp. 15525--15552, 2014.
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[6] François-Michel De Rainville, Félix-Antoine Fortin, Marc-André Gardner, Marc Parizeau and Christian Gagné,
"DEAP -- Enabling Nimbler Evolutions",
SIGEVOlution, vol. 6, no 2, pp. 17-26, 2 2014.
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[7] Félix-Antoine Fortin and Marc Parizeau,
"Revisiting the NSGA-II Crowding-distance Computation",
in Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, (New York, NY, USA), pp. 623-630, ACM, 2013.
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[8] Félix-Antoine Fortin, Simon Grenier and Marc Parizeau,
"Generalizing the Improved Run-time Complexity Algorithm for Non-dominated Sorting",
in Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, (New York, NY, USA), pp. 615-622, ACM, 2013.
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[9] Vahab Akbarzadeh, Christian Gagné and Marc Parizeau,
"Target Trajectory Prediction in PTZ Camera Networks",
in Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Camera Networks and Wide Area Scene Analysis (WCNWASA 2013), 28 June 2013.
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[10] Alejandro Cervantes, Pedro Isasi, Christian Gagné and Marc Parizeau,
"Learning from Non-Stationary Data using a Growing Network of Prototypes",
in Proc. of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE-CEC 2013), June 20-23 2013.
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