List of publications







[61] Nadia Ghazzali, Marc Parizeau and Josianne DeBlois,
"Étude comparative par simulation de méthodes analyse discriminante, de classification et de réseaux de neurones",
Modulad, pp. 13-34, January 1998.
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[62] Jean-François Hébert and Marc Parizeau,
"Une représentation floue régionale pour la reconnaissance en-ligne de chiffres manuscrits",
in Actes du 1er Colloque International Francophone sur Écrit et le Document (CIFED), pp. 394-403, May 1998.
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[63] Xiaolin Li, Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"Segmentation and Reconstruction of On-Line Handwritten Scripts",
Pattern Recognition, vol. 31, no 6, pp. 675-684, June 1998.
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[64] Jean-François Hébert, Marc Parizeau and Nadia Ghazzali,
"A New Fuzzy Geometric Representation for On-Line Isolated Character Recognition",
in Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Brisbane (Australie), pp. 1121-1123, August 1998.
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[65] Xiaolin Li, Réjean Plamondon and Marc Parizeau,
"Model-based On-line Handwritten Digit Recognition",
in Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 1134-1136, August 1998.
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[66] Martin Busque and Marc Parizeau,
" Étude théorique et expérimentale de différentes architectures neuronales dérivées de la théorie ART",
Rapport technique RT-LVSN-97-06, pp. 130, Août 1997.
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[67] Marielle Mokhtari and Robert Bergevin,
"Significant Description of 2D Contours by Straight and Curved Segments",
in Proceedings of CIPPRS Vision Interface ’97, (Kelowna, British Columbia), pp. 22-29, May 19-23 1997.
[68] Marielle Mokhtari and Robert Bergevin,
"Straight Line Segments and Circular Arcs for Significant Description of 2D Contours",
in Proceedings of 10th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, (Lappeenranta, Finland), pp. 205-212, June 9-11 1997.
[69] Stéphane Prince and Robert Bergevin,
"Road Sign Detection and Recognition using Perceptual Grouping",
in Proceedings of ISATA Dedicated Conference on Robotics, Motion, and Machine Vision in the Automotive Industries, (Florence, Italy), pp. 163-170, June 16-19 1997.
[70] Marielle Mokhtari and Robert Bergevin,
"Multiscale Segmentation and Approximation for Significant Description of 2D Contours",
in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, (Santa Barbara, CA), pp. 212-215, October 26-29 1997.

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