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[1] |
Audrey Durand, Christian Gagné, Marc-André Gardner, François Rousseau, Yves Giguère and Daniel Reinharz, "SCHNAPS: A Generic Population-based Simulator for Public Health Purposes", in Proc. of Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC 2010), pp. 182-189, 12-14 July 2010. |
[2] |
Martin Otis, Thien-Ly Nguyen-Dang, Denis Laurendeau and Clément Gosselin, "Interference Estimated Time of Arrival on a 6-DOF Cable-Driven Haptic Foot Platform", in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’09), (Kobe, Japan), May 12-17 2009. |
[3] |
Martin Otis, Thien-Ly Nguyen-Dang, Denis Laurendeau and Clément Gosselin, "Extremum Seeking Tuning for Reel Tension Control in Haptic Application", in 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Intelligent Systems and Automation (CISA’09), (Zarzis, Tunisia, best paper award), pp. 275-280, March 23-25 2009. |
[4] |
Frédéric Drolet, Marielle Mokhtari, François Bernier and Denis Laurendeau, "A Software Architecture for Sharing Distributed Virtual Worlds", in IEEE Virtual Reality 2009, (Lafayette, Louisiana), March 14-18 2009. |
[5] |
Martin Otis, Thien-Ly Nguyen-Dang, Thierry Laliberté, Denis Ouellet, Denis Laurendeau and Clément Gosselin, "Cable Tension Control and Analysis of Reel Transparency for 6-DOF Haptic Foot Platform on a Cable-Driven Locomotion Interface", in International Conference on Intelligent Control Systems Engineering, (Rome, Italy), April 28-30 2009. |
[6] |
Luc Beaulieu, Chen Xu, Denis Laurendeau and F. Verhaegen, "An algorithm for efficient metal artifact reductions inpermanent seed implants", in GEC-ESTRO-ISIORT Europe Conference, (Porto, Portugal), May-13-16 2009. |
[7] |
Normand Teasdale, Martin Lavallière, Denis Laurendeau, Florent Prel and Thierry Moszkowicz, "Outil d'apprentissage destiné aux jeunes conducteurs", in 8e Séminaire francophone international en promotion de la sécurité et en prévention des traumatismes, (Montréal, Québec), May 20-22 2009. |
[8] |
H.O. Hamshari, Steven Beauchemin, Denis Laurendeau and Normand Teasdale, "A Corrective Framework for Facial Feature Detection and Tracking", in Proc. 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 08), (Funchal, Madeira-Portugal), pp. 130-138, Jan. 22-25 2008. |
[9] |
Martin Otis, Charles du Tremblay, François-Michel De Rainville, Marielle Mokhtari, Denis Laurendeau and Clément Gosselin, "Hybrid Control with Multi-Contact Interactions for a 6DOF Haptic Foot Platform on a Cable-Driven Locomotion Interface", in Proc.16th Symp. on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, (Reno, Nevada), March 13-14 2008. |
[10] |
Clément Gosselin, Régis Poulin and Denis Laurendeau, "A Planar Parallel 3-DOF cable-driven haptic interface", in Proc. 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2008), (Orlando, USA, selected as Best Paper in Track), June 29th-July 2nd 2008. |