List of publications







[481] Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"Fuzzy-Shape Grammars for Cursive Script Recognition",
in Advances in Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition(H. Bunke ed.), pp. 320-332, World Scientific Publishing, 1993.
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[482] Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"Allograph Adjacency Constraints for Cursive Script Recognition",
in Proc. of the Third International Workshop on Frontier in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR), pp. 252-261, May 25-27 1993.
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[483] Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"Allograph Adjacency Constraints for Cursive Script Recognition",
in Proc. of the Third International Workshop on Frontier in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR), pp. 252-261, May 25-27 1993.
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[484] Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"Fuzzy-Shape Grammars for Cursive Script Recognition",
in Advances in Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition(H. Bunke ed.), pp. 320-332, World Scientific Publishing, 1993.
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[485] Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"Fuzzy-Shape Grammars for Cursive Script Recognition",
in Advances in Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition(H. Bunke ed.), pp. 320-332, World Scientific Publishing, 1993.
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[486] Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"Allograph Adjacency Constraints for Cursive Script Recognition",
in Proc. of the Third International Workshop on Frontier in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR), pp. 252-261, May 25-27 1993.
download document
[487] Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"Allograph Adjacency Constraints for Cursive Script Recognition",
in Proc. of the Third International Workshop on Frontier in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR), pp. 252-261, May 25-27 1993.
download document
[488] Marc Tremblay, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart,
"High Resolution Smart Image Sensor with Integrated Parallel Analog Processing for Multiresolution Edge Extraction",
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 11, pp. 231-242, 1993.
[489] Marc Tremblay, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart,
"High Resolution Smart Image Sensor with Integrated Parallel Analog Processing for Multiresolution Edge Extraction",
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 11, pp. 231-242, 1993.
[490] Marc Tremblay, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart,
"High Resolution Smart Image Sensor with Integrated Parallel Analog Processing for Multiresolution Edge Extraction",
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 11, pp. 231-242, 1993.

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