Title |
[1] |
Ahmed Najjar, Daniel Reinharz, Catherine Girouard and Christian Gagné, "A Two-Step Approach for Mining Patient Treatment Pathways in Administrative Healthcare Databases", Artificial Intelligence in Medecine, vol. 87, 05 2018. |

[2] |
Léon Nshimyumukiza, Jean-Alexandre Beaumont, Julie Duplantie, S Langlois, J Little, F Audibert, C McCabe, Jean Gekas, Yves Giguère, Christian Gagné, Daniel Reinharz and François Rousseau, "Cell-Free DNA–Based Non-invasive Prenatal Screening for Common Aneuploidies in a Canadian Province: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis", Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, vol. 40, no 1, pp. 48--60, 01 2018. |
[3] |
Léon Nshimyumukiza, Xavier Douville, Diane Fournier, Julie Duplantie, Rana Daher, Isabelle Charlebois, Jean Longtin, Jesse Papenburg, Maryse Guay, Maurice Boissinot, Michel G. Bergeron, Denis Boudreau, Christian Gagné, François Rousseau and Daniel Reinharz, "Cost effectiveness analysis of antiviral treatment in the management of seasonal influenza A: point-of-care rapid test versus clinical judgment", Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses, vol. 10, no 2, pp. 113--121, 03 2016. |

[4] |
Ahmed Najjar, Christian Gagné and Daniel Reinharz, "Patient Treatment Pathways Clustering", in NIPS 2015 Workshop on Machine Learning in Healthcare, 2015. |
[5] |
Ahmed Najjar, Christian Gagné and Daniel Reinharz, "Two-Step Heterogeneous Finite Mixture Model Clustering for Mining Healthcare Databases", in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 11 2015. |
[6] |
Ahmed Najjar, Christian Gagné and Daniel Reinharz, "A Novel Mixed Values k-Prototypes Algorithm with Application to Health Care Databases Mining", in Proc. of the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2014), December 2014. |
[7] |
Léon Nshimyumukiza, Antoine Bois, Patrick Daigneault, Larry Lands, Anne-Marie Laberge, Diane Fournier, Julie Duplantie, Yves Giguère, Jean Gekas, Christian Gagné, François Rousseau and Daniel Reinharz, "Cost-Effectiveness of Newborn Screening for Cystic Fibrosis: A Simulation Study", Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, vol. 13, no 3, pp. 267--274, 2014. |

[8] |
Julie Duplantie, Odilon Martinez Gonzalez, Antoine Bois, Léon Nshimyumukiza, Jean Gekas, Emmanuel Bujold, Valérie Morin, Maud Vallée, Yves Giguère, Christian Gagné, François Rousseau and Daniel Reinharz, "Cost-Effectiveness of the Management of Rh-Negative Pregnant Women", Journal of Obstetrics and Gyneacology of Canada, vol. 35, no 8, pp. 730-740, 8 2013. |

[9] |
Léon Nshimyumukiza, Julie Duplantie, Mathieu Gagnon, Xavier Douville, Diane Fournier, Carmen Lindsay, Marc Parent, Alain Milot, Yves Giguère, Christian Gagné, François Rousseau and Daniel Reinharz, "Dabigatran versus warfarin under standard or pharmacogenetic-guided management for the prevention of stroke and systemic thromboembolism in patients with atrial fibrillation: a cost/utility analysis using an analytic decision model", Thrombosis Journal, vol. 11, no 14, 2013. |

[10] |
Léon Nshimyumukiza, Audrey Durand, Mathieu Gagnon, Xavier Douville, Suzanne Morin, Carmen Lindsay, Julie Duplantie, Christian Gagné, Sonia Jean, Yves Giguère, Sylvie Dodin, François Rousseau and Daniel Reinharz, "An economic evaluation: Simulation of the cost/effectiveness and cost/utility of universal prevention strategies against osteoporosis-related fractures", Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 383-394 , 2 2013. |
