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[1] |
Samuel Soldan, Denis Ouellet, Peyman Hedayati Vahid, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Denis Laurendeau and Andreas Kroll, "Mapping Non-Destructive Testing Data on the 3D Geometry of Objects with Complex Shapes", in The 12th International Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography, 7-11 July, Bordeaux, France, (Daniel Balageas ed.), 2014. |
[2] |
Marielle Mokhtari, Éric Boivin, Denis Laurendeau, Sylvain Comtois, Denis Ouellet, Julien-Charles Lévesque and Étienne Ouellet, "IMAGE - Compex Situation Understanding: An Immersive Concept Development", in IEEE Virtual Reality Conference Proceedings, (Singapore), March 2011. |
[3] |
Martin Otis, Thien-Ly Nguyen-Dang, Thierry Laliberté, Denis Ouellet, Denis Laurendeau and Clément Gosselin, "Cable Tension Control and Analysis of Reel Transparency for 6-DOF Haptic Foot Platform on a Cable-Driven Locomotion Interface", International Journal of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering (IJECSE), vol. 3, no 1, pp. 16-29, 2009. |
[4] |
Martin Otis, Thien-Ly Nguyen-Dang, Thierry Laliberté, Denis Ouellet, Denis Laurendeau and Clément Gosselin, "Cable Tension Control and Analysis of Reel Transparency for 6-DOF Haptic Foot Platform on a Cable-Driven Locomotion Interface", in International Conference on Intelligent Control Systems Engineering, (Rome, Italy), April 28-30 2009. |
[5] |
S. Ruel, Denis Ouellet and Denis Laurendeau, "Automatic Tracking Initialization from TriDAR Data for Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking", in Proc. 9th Int. Symp. on Art. Int., Rob. and Aut. in Space, (Los Angeles, CA), Feb. 26-29 2008. |
[6] |
Alexandra Branzan-Albu, Denis Laurendeau, Sylvain Comtois, Denis Ouellet, Patrick Hébert, André Zaccarin, Marc Parizeau, Robert Bergevin, Xavier Maldague, Richard Drouin, Stéphane Drouin, Nicolas Martel-Brisson, Frédéric Jean, Hélène Torresan, Langis Gagnon and France Laliberté, "MONNET: Monitoring Pedestrians with a Network of Loosely-Coupled Cameras", in International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2006), (Hong Kong, China), August 20-24 2006. |
[7] |
Marielle Mokhtari, François Lemieux, François Bernier, Denis Ouellet, Richard Drouin, Denis Laurendeau and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "Virtual Environment and Sensori-Motor Activities : Visualization", in The 12th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision'2004, ( University of West Bohemia, Plzen - Bory, Czech Republic), pp. 293-300, UNION Agency - Science Press, Plzen, Czech Republic, Feb. 2-6 2004. |
[8] |
Denis Poussart, Denis Laurendeau, François Bernier, Martin Simoneau-Drolet, Nathalie Harrison, Denis Ouellet and Christian Moisan, "Designing Virtual Environments for Critical Transactions and Collaborative Interventions: the Vertex Framework for Networked, Physics-Compliant Objects", in Proc. Int. Conf. on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the Internet, (L'Aquila, Italy), Jul 31 - Aug 6 2000. |