






Conceptual modeling of an object-oriented software architecture for the control unit of a second generation SEMAC simulator
Jean-Philippe Shields
Denis Laurendeau (Supervisor)
Problem: Simulation (numerical analysis of a problem) is a widely used tool in research due to the difficulty involved in continually being able to test and observe real reactions of prototypes. However, with the increasing realism and complexity of models, current computers are no longer able to adequately respond and the time required to execute simulations is continually increasing.
Motivation: Certain needs, such as those with material in a loop (HWIL), drive us to strive for a real-time simulation which reacts with the material possessing very precise time constraints. In this case, the simulations must be accelerated.
Approach: In the current case, the approach adopted involves the parallelization of the sequential simulation engine through the addition of new abilities such as parallelization (the possibility to execute on a machine possessing more than one processor) and/or distribution (the possibility to execute on more than one computer, linked by a network).
Challenges: The parallelization of a sequential simulation engine is not particularly easy to achieve due to certain constraints such as the minimization of impacts (changes) on the current software architecture of the simulator.
Applications: There are numerous applications for this type of simulation engine. One need only create models corresponding to our situation. Currently, the engine is mainly used for military applications to determine which targets represent a definite threat.
Calendar: Fall 2003 - Fall 2005
Support: With the collaboration of DRDC-RDDC Valcartier
Last modification: 2007/09/28 by jshields


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