Titre |
[1] |
Jean-François Hébert, Marc Parizeau and Nadia Ghazzali, "Learning to Segment Cursive Words using Isolated Characters", in Proc. of the Vision Interface Conference, pp. 33-40, May 1999. |
[2] |
Jean-François Hébert, Marc Parizeau and Nadia Ghazzali, "An Hybrid Architecture for Active and Incremental Learning: The Self-Organizing Perceptron (SOP) Network", in Proc. of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 1646-1651, July 1999. |
[3] |
Jean-François Hébert and Marc Parizeau, "Cursive Character Detection using Incremental Learning", in Proc. of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), pp. 808-811, September 1999. |
[4] |
Marc Parizeau, Nadia Ghazzali and Jean-François Hébert, "Optimizing the Cost Matrix for Approximate String Matching using Genetic Algorithms", Pattern Recognition, vol. 31, no 4, pp. 431-440, April 1998. |
[5] |
Jean-François Hébert and Marc Parizeau, "Une représentation floue régionale pour la reconnaissance en-ligne de chiffres manuscrits", in Actes du 1er Colloque International Francophone sur Écrit et le Document (CIFED), pp. 394-403, May 1998. |
[6] |
Jean-François Hébert, Marc Parizeau and Nadia Ghazzali, "A New Fuzzy Geometric Representation for On-Line Isolated Character Recognition", in Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Brisbane (Australie), pp. 1121-1123, August 1998. |
[7] |
Marc Parizeau, Jean-François Hébert and Nadia Ghazzali, "Codage directionnel avec attribut de longueur et optimisation de matrice de coût -- Application en écriture cursive", in Actes du 4éme Colloque National sur Écrit et le Document, pp. 7-14, July 3-5 1996. |