






Estimation of fire volume by stereovision

Thierry Molinier, Lucile Rossi, Moulay Akhloufi, Yves Tison and Antoine Pieri

Abstract - This paper presents a new approach for the estimation of fire front volume in indoor laboratory experiments. This work deals with fire spreading on inclinable tables. The method is based on the use of two synchronized stereovision systems positioned respectively in a back position and in a front position of the fire propagation direction. The two vision systems are used in order to extract complementary 3D fire points. The obtained data are projected in a same reference frame and used to build a global form of the fire front. An inter-systems calibration procedure is presented and permits the computation of the projection matrix in order to project all the data to a unique reference frame. From the obtained 3D fire points, a three dimensional surface rendering is performed and the fire volume is estimated.


    author    = { Thierry Molinier and Lucile Rossi and Moulay Akhloufi and Yves Tison and Antoine Pieri },
    title     = { Estimation of fire volume by stereovision },
    booktitle = { SPIE Electronic Imaging, Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications Conference IV },
    pages     = { 7877-10 },
    publisher = { SPIE },
    address   = { San-Francisco, USA },
    year      = { 2011 },
    month     = { January },
    keywords  = { Stereovision, fire, registration, 3D reconstruction, volume estimation },
    language  = { English }

Last modification: 2010/12/19 by akhloufi


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