List of publications







[101] Frédéric Ntawiniga, Denis Laurendeau, Normand Teasdale and Martin Simoneau,
"A Computer Vision System for Automatic Analysis of the Cephalo-Ocular Behaviour of Drivers",
Fifth International Conference on INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, June 2007.
download document
[102] Nhat-Tan Nguyen, Denis Laurendeau and Alexandra Branzan-Albu,
"A new segmentation method for MRI images of the shoulder joint",
in 4th Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), May 2007.
download document
[103] Langis Gagnon, France Laliberté and Denis Laurendeau,
"A system for tracking and recognizing pedestrian faces using a network of loosely coupled cameras",
in SPIE Defense & Security Symposium, (Orlando, FL), April 18-20 2006.
[104] Normand Teasdale, Nathan Ngan, Martin Lavallière, Mathieu Tremblay, Denis Laurendeau and Martin Simoneau,
"Coordination between gaze, head and steering control in young and elderly drivers",
in 4th Annual STISIM Drive User Group Meeting, (MIT, Massachusetts), October 25-26 2006.
[105] Sébastien Quirion, Denis Laurendeau and Mario Marchand,
"Automated Learning and Synthesis of Physics-based, Natural-looking Human Motions",
in 16th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems, IS-2006, (Victoria, B.C.), May 31 - June 2 2006.
[106] Jonathon Fournier, Benoît Ricard and Denis Laurendeau,
"A Volumetric Sensor for Real-time 3D Mapping and Robot Navigation",
in SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, (Orlando, FL), April 18-20 2006.
[107] Geoffroy Rivet-Sabourin, Alexandra Branzan-Albu, Denis Laurendeau and Luc Beaulieu,
"Shape-based validation for prostate modeling in brachytherapy",
in Proc. CMBBE 2006, (Juan-les-Pin, Antibes, France), March 22-25 2006.
[108] Langis Gagnon, France Laliberté and Denis Laurendeau,
"A system for tracking and recognizing pedestrian faces using a network of loosely coupled cameras",
in SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, (Orlando, FL), April 18-20 2006.
[109] Christian Dompierre and Denis Laurendeau,
"Avatar: a virtual reality based tool for collaborative production of theater shows",
in Third Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, CRV 2006, (Québec, Québec), June 7-9 2006.
[110] Geoffroy Rivet-Sabourin, Denis Laurendeau and Luc Beaulieu,
"Automated Prostate Contour Drawing on Post-Impact CT Images Based on Ultrasound Volume and Seeds Positions",
in Proc. 48th AAPM Annual Meeting (American Association of Physicisits in Medicine), (Orlando, FL), July 30 - August 3 2006.

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