Title |
[21] |
Jean Côté, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart, "Segmentation of 3-D images of dental imprints", in Proc. IRIS Conference, (Vancouver, BC), June 1991. |
[22] |
Denis Laurendeau, L. Guimond and Denis Poussart, "A Computer-Vision Technique for the Acquisition of 3D Profiles of Dental Imprints and the Detection of Teeth in the Profiles: An Application to Orthodontics", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 10, no 3, pp. 453-461, Sept. 1991. |
[23] |
Denis Laurendeau, Y. Trottier, Denis Poussart and J. Lessard, "The Application of Computer Vision to the Removal of Tie-Wires in a Live-Line Maintenance Operation", Machine Vision and Applications, pp. 3-13, 1991. |
[24] |
Xavier Maldague, P. Cielo, Denis Poussart, D. Craig and R. Bourret, "Transient Thermographic NDE of Turbine Blades", in Proc. SPIE: Thermosense XII(S. A. Semanovich ed.), (Orlando, Fl), pp. 161-171, April 1990. |
[25] |
Marc Soucy, Denis Laurendeau, Denis Poussart and Frédéric Auclair, "Behaviour of the center of gravity of a reflected gaussian laser spot near a reflectance discontinuity", Industrial Metrology, vol. 1, pp. 261-274, 1990. |
[26] |
Régis Houde, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart, "A 3D camera based on optical absorbance", in Proc. SPIE's 1990 International Symposium on Optical Testing and Metrology III: Recent Advances in Industrial Optical Inspection, (San Diego, CA), pp. 343-354, July 8-13 1990. |
[27] |
Xavier Maldague, J. C. Krapez and Denis Poussart, "Thermographic Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE): An Algorithm for Automatic Defect Extraction in Infrared Images", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol. 20, no 3, pp. 722 - 725, May/June 1990. |
[28] |
Xavier Maldague, P. Cielo and Denis Poussart, "Thermographic nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of turbine blades: methods and image processing", Industrial Metrology Journal, vol. 1, no 2, pp. 139-153, Jan. 1990. |
[29] |
Xavier Maldague, J. C. Krapez, P. Cielo and Denis Poussart, "Infrared Thermographic Inspection by Internal Temperature Perturbation Techniques", in Twelfth World Conference on Non Destructive Testing(J. Boogaard, G.M. van Dijk ed.), (Amsterdam, Netherlands), pp. 561-566, Elsevier, April 23 - 29 1989. |
[30] |
Denis Poussart, Denis Laurendeau and C. Bernard, "Applications de la vision 3D au diagnostic en orthodontie", in XXXIe Réunion du Club des Recherches Cliniques du Québec, (Sainte-Adèle, QC), 1989. |