List of publications







[221] Y. Largouët and Xavier Maldague,
"Pulsed Phase Thermography of Aluminum Laminates: Neural Network Investigation",
in QIRT-98 (Quantitative Infrared Thermography), Eurotherm Seminar 60(D. Balageas, G. Busse, C. Carlomagno ed.), (Lodz, Pologne), pp. 167-170, Sept. 7-10 1998.
[222] Louis-Martin Girouard, Jean Pouliot, Xavier Maldague and André Zaccarin,
"Automatic Setup Deviation Measurements with Electronic Portal Images for Pelvic Fields",
Medical Physics, vol. 25, no 7, pp. 1180-1185, July 1998.
[223] Xavier Maldague, Y. Largouët and Jean-Pierre Couturier,
"Depth Study in Pulsed Phase Thermography using Neural Networks: Modelling, Noise, Experiments",
Revue Générale de Thermique (Special QIRT ’98 issue), vol. 37, no 8, pp. 704-708, Sept. 1998.
[224] D. Wu, Antonio Salerno, J. Sembach, Xavier Maldague, J. Rantala and Gerd Busse,
"Lockin Thermographic Inspection of Wood Particle Boards",
in SPIE: Thermosense XIX, (SPIE: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers)(R.N. Wurzbach, D.D. Burleigh ed.), (Orlando, Fl), pp. 230-234, April 1997.
[225] Jean-Pierre Couturier and Xavier Maldague,
"Pulsed Phase Thermography of Aluminum Specimens",
in SPIE: Thermosense XIX, (SPIE: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers)(R.N. Wurzbach, D.D. Burleigh ed.), (Orlando, Fl), pp. 170-175, April 1997.
[226] Nathalie Bertrand, B. Lepoutre, Jacques Tremblay and Xavier Maldague,
"Inspection of Aluminum Extrusion Ingots by 3-D-Vision",
in Fringe 97(W.Osten, W. Jüptner ed.), pp. 250-252, Akademie Verlag Series in Optical Metrology, 1997.
[227] Xavier Maldague and Jean-Pierre Couturier,
"Review of Pulsed Phase Thermography",
in IV Workshop on Advances in Infrared Technology(L.R. Abbozzo, G.M. Carlomagno C. Corsi ed.), (Florence, Italy), pp. 271-286, Atti della Fondazione G. Ronchi, Firenze, Sept. 15-16 1997.
[228] Sergio Marinetti, Xavier Maldague and M. Prystay,
"Calibration Procedure of Focal Plane Array Cameras and noise Equivalent Material Loss for Quantitative Thermographic NDT",
Materials Evaluation, vol. 55, no 3, pp. 407-412, Mar. 1997.
[229] Jean-François Pelletier and Xavier Maldague,
"Shape from Heating: A Two-Dimensional Approach for Shape Extraction in Infrared Images",
Optical Engineering, vol. 36, no 2, pp. 371-375, Feb. 1997.
[230] Xavier Maldague, Jean-Pierre Couturier, Antonio Salerno and D. Wu,
"Phase Analysis in Pulsed Thermography",
Can. Soc. J. of NDT, vol. 19, no 4, pp. 5-10, July/Aug. 1997.

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