List of publications







[221] V. Vavilov and Xavier Maldague,
"Dynamic Thermal Tomography: new promise in the IR thermography of Solids",
in Proc. SPIE: Thermosense XIV(Jan K. Eklund ed.), (Orlando, Fl), pp. 194-206, April 1992.
[222] F. Robitaille and Xavier Maldague,
"Infrared thermographic inspection station: experimental setup and working environment",
in Conférence canadienne d’Automatisation Industrielle(G. Bogdadi ed.), (Montréal, QC), pp. 22.5-22.7, June 1-3 1992.
[223] A. Nouah and Xavier Maldague,
"Exploitation de la vision infrarouge dans le spectre visible et infrarouge pour l’évaluation non-destructive des matériaux",
in Conférence canadienne d’Automatisation Industrielle(G. Bogdadi ed.), (Montréal, QC), pp. 21.5-21.7, June 1-3 1992.
[224] A. Nouah, Xavier Maldague and F. Robitaille,
"Shape correction in transient thermography inspection of non-planar components",
in conf. QIRT-92 (Quantitative Infrared Thermography), Eurotherm Seminar 27(D. Balageas, G. Busse, G.M. Carlomagno ed.), (Paris, France), pp. 224-228, Éditions Européennes thermique et industrie, 7-9 July 1992.
[225] A. Bergeron, Martin D'Anjou, E. Eustache, R. Lemieux, Langis Pitre, Benoît Ricard, Robert Wolfe and Xavier Maldague,
"Local Identification of Features by Image Analysis",
in Congrès Canadien en génie électrique et informatique, (Toronto, Ontario), 13 - 16 Sept. 1992.
[226] Xavier Maldague, A. Nouah, L. Fortin, F. Robitaille and J. Picard,
"Non-planar inspection with infrared thermography",
in 13th World Conference on Non -Destructive Testing(C. Hallai, P. Kulcsar ed.), pp. 725-729, 1992.
[227] V. Vavilov, Xavier Maldague and Jean Côté,
"Thermogram processing by infrared thermography and tomography",
Defktoskopiya (in Russian), pp. 56-64, Feb. 1992.
[228] Y.-J. Lu, Y.-H. Hsu and Xavier Maldague,
"Vehicle Classification Using Infrared Image Analysis",
Journal of Transportation Engineering , American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. 118, no 2, pp. 223-240, March/April 1992.
[229] Xavier Maldague, V. Vavilov, Jean Côté and Denis Poussart,
"Thermal Tomography for NDT of Industrial Materials",
Canadian Society of NonDestructive Testing Journal, vol. 13, no 3, pp. 22-32, May/June 1992.
[230] Xavier Maldague, L. Fortin and J. Picard,
"Applications of tridimensional heat calibration to a thermographic NDE station",
in Proc. SPIE: Thermosense XIII(George S. Baird ed.), (Orlando, Fl), pp. 239-251, April 1991.

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