List of publications







[101] Marc Soucy and Denis Laurendeau,
"Hierarchical surface triangulation of range data",
in Proc. of the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering(D. Laurendeau ed.), (Québec, QC), pp. 4.4.1-4.4.4, September 25-27 1991.
[102] Marc Soucy and Denis Laurendeau,
"Building a surface model of an object using multiple range views",
in Proc. SPIE Conf. on Int. Rob. and Comp. Vis. X: Neural, Biological and 3-D Methods, (Boston, MA), pp. 85-96, November 10-15 1991.
[103] Marc Soucy and Denis Laurendeau,
"3-D view integration using a venn diagram approach",
in Proc. IRIS Conference, (Vancouver, BC), June 1991.
[104] Florent Parent, Marc Tremblay, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart,
"A software environment for the exploitation of the MAR image sensor",
in Proc. of the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering(D. Laurendeau ed.), (Québec, QC), pp. 39.1.1-39.1.4, September 25-27 1991.
[105] Alain Croteau, Denis Laurendeau and J. Lessard,
"A 3D vision method for estimating workspace occupancy of a power-line maintenance robot",
in Proc. of the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, (Québec, QC), pp. 4.1.1-4.1.4, September 25-27 1991.
[106] Alain Croteau and Denis Laurendeau,
"Building a space occupancy model for a power line maintenance robot using a range data sensor",
in Proc. SPIE Robotics'91 Conference, (Boston, MA), November 10-15 1991.
[107] Jean Côté, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart,
"Segmentation of 3-D images of dental imprints",
in Proc. IRIS Conference, (Vancouver, BC), June 1991.
[108] Jean Côté and Denis Laurendeau,
"A multi-operator approach for the segmentation of 3-D images of dental imprints",
in Proc. Vision Interface, (Calgary, AL), pp. 189-196, June 3-7 1991.
[109] Denis Laurendeau, L. Guimond and Denis Poussart,
"A Computer-Vision Technique for the Acquisition of 3D Profiles of Dental Imprints and the Detection of Teeth in the Profiles: An Application to Orthodontics",
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 10, no 3, pp. 453-461, Sept. 1991.
[110] Denis Laurendeau, Y. Trottier, Denis Poussart and J. Lessard,
"The Application of Computer Vision to the Removal of Tie-Wires in a Live-Line Maintenance Operation",
Machine Vision and Applications, pp. 3-13, 1991.

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