List of publications







[161] Anne-Sophie Poulin-Girard, Simon Thibault and Denis Laurendeau,
"Study of the performance of stereoscopic Panomorph systems calibrated with traditional pinhole model",
Optical Engineering, vol. 55, no 6, June 2016.
[162] Anne-Sophie Poulin-Girard, Simon Thibault and Denis Laurendeau,
"Study of the performance of stereoscopic Panomorph systems calibrated with traditional pinhole model",
Optical Engineering, vol. 55, no 6, June 2016.
[163] Anne-Sophie Poulin-Girard, Simon Thibault and Denis Laurendeau,
"Study of the performance of stereoscopic Panomorph systems calibrated with traditional pinhole model",
Optical Engineering, vol. 55, no 6, June 2016.
[164] Anne-Sophie Poulin-Girard, Simon Thibault and Denis Laurendeau,
"Influence of Camera Calibration Conditions on the Accuracy of 3D Reconstruction",
Optics Express, vol. 24, pp. 2678-2686, 2016.
[165] Anne-Sophie Poulin-Girard, Simon Thibault and Denis Laurendeau,
"Influence of Camera Calibration Conditions on the Accuracy of 3D Reconstruction",
Optics Express, vol. 24, pp. 2678-2686, 2016.
[166] Anne-Sophie Poulin-Girard, Simon Thibault and Denis Laurendeau,
"Influence of Camera Calibration Conditions on the Accuracy of 3D Reconstruction",
Optics Express, vol. 24, pp. 2678-2686, 2016.
[167] Frank Billy Djupkep Dizeu, Denis Laurendeau and Abdel Hakim Bendada,
"Nondestructive testing of objects of complex shape using infrared thermography: defect characterization by temporal tracking of the thermal front",
Inverse Problems, vol. 32, no 12, December 2016.
[168] Frank Billy Djupkep Dizeu, Denis Laurendeau and Abdel Hakim Bendada,
"Nondestructive testing of objects of complex shape using infrared thermography: defect characterization by temporal tracking of the thermal front",
Inverse Problems, vol. 32, no 12, December 2016.
[169] Frank Billy Djupkep Dizeu, Denis Laurendeau and Abdel Hakim Bendada,
"Nondestructive testing of objects of complex shape using infrared thermography: defect characterization by temporal tracking of the thermal front",
Inverse Problems, vol. 32, no 12, December 2016.
[170] Frank Billy Djupkep Dizeu, Xavier Maldague and Abdel Hakim Bendada,
"Mapping of the indoor conditions by infrared thermography",
Journal of Imaging, vol. 2, no 10, pp. 1-21, 2016.

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