Title |
[841] |
Louis-Martin Girouard, Jean Pouliot, Éric Vigneault, Xavier Maldague and André Zaccarin, "Bone structure correlation algorithm for the automatic detection of setup deviations during prostate treatment", in Electronic Portal Imaging Workshop (EPI 96), (Amsterdam, Holland), pp. 35-36, 1996. |
[842] |
Xavier Maldague and Jean-François Pelletier, "Two-dimensional correction of thermograms for depth and orientation in pulse thermography inspection", in Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena(Shu-yi Zhang ed.), vol. 6, supplement of Progress in Natural Science, (Nanjing, China), pp. S166-S168, Taylor & Francis, June 27-30 1996. |
[843] |
Xavier Maldague and Jean-François Pelletier, "Two-dimensional correction of thermograms for depth and orientation in pulse thermography inspection", in Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena(Shu-yi Zhang ed.), vol. 6, supplement of Progress in Natural Science, (Nanjing, China), pp. S166-S168, Taylor & Francis, June 27-30 1996. |
[844] |
Xavier Maldague and Jean-François Pelletier, "Two-dimensional correction of thermograms for depth and orientation in pulse thermography inspection", in Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena(Shu-yi Zhang ed.), vol. 6, supplement of Progress in Natural Science, (Nanjing, China), pp. S166-S168, Taylor & Francis, June 27-30 1996. |
[845] |
Patrice Bolduc, Jean Fortin, Paul Chevrette and André Zaccarin, "Enhancement of point-source targets in an IR staring FPA sensor", in Proc. SPIE Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing VII, 1996. |
[846] |
Patrice Bolduc, Jean Fortin, Paul Chevrette and André Zaccarin, "Enhancement of point-source targets in an IR staring FPA sensor", in Proc. SPIE Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing VII, 1996. |
[847] |
Patrice Bolduc, Jean Fortin, Paul Chevrette and André Zaccarin, "Enhancement of point-source targets in an IR staring FPA sensor", in Proc. SPIE Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing VII, 1996. |
[848] |
Patrice Bolduc, Jean Fortin, Paul Chevrette and André Zaccarin, "Enhancement of point-source targets in an IR staring FPA sensor", in Proc. SPIE Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing VII, 1996. |
[849] |
Patrice Bolduc, Jean Fortin, Paul Chevrette and André Zaccarin, "Enhancement of point-source targets in an IR staring FPA sensor", in Proc. SPIE Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing VII, 1996. |
[850] |
Denis Dion Jr and Denis Laurendeau, "C++ under UNIX course website", in 1996 TeleLearning First Annual Meeting and Conference - Constructing a Vision for the Knowledge Society, (Montréal, QC), Nov. 5-7 1996. |