Title |
[661] |
Jean-Luc Arseneault, Robert Bergevin and Denis Laurendeau, "Grouping of straight line segments and circular arcs for scene analysis", in Proceedings of Vision Interface ’94, (Banff, Alberta), pp. 137-144, May 16-20 1994. |
[662] |
Jean-Luc Arseneault, Robert Bergevin and Denis Laurendeau, "Grouping of straight line segments and circular arcs for scene analysis", in Proceedings of Vision Interface ’94, (Banff, Alberta), pp. 137-144, May 16-20 1994. |
[663] |
Jean-Luc Arseneault, Robert Bergevin and Denis Laurendeau, "Extraction of 2D groupings for 3D Object Recognition", in Proceedings of SPIE Visual Information Processing III, (Orlando, FL), pp. 27-38, April 4-8 1994. |
[664] |
Jean-Luc Arseneault, Robert Bergevin and Denis Laurendeau, "Extraction of 2D groupings for 3D Object Recognition", in Proceedings of SPIE Visual Information Processing III, (Orlando, FL), pp. 27-38, April 4-8 1994. |
[665] |
Jean-Luc Arseneault, Robert Bergevin and Denis Laurendeau, "Extraction of 2D groupings for 3D Object Recognition", in Proceedings of SPIE Visual Information Processing III, (Orlando, FL), pp. 27-38, April 4-8 1994. |
[666] |
Robert Bergevin, "Integrated hardware implementations for digital systems", in Advances in Signal Processing for Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials(X.P.V. Maldague ed.), vol. 262 of X.P.V. Maldague, NATO ASI Series, Series E: Applied Sciences, pp. 417, publisher, 1994. |
[667] |
Patrick Hébert and Denis Laurendeau, "Three conditions for reliable surface recovery: robustness, viewpoint invariance and stability", in Proceedings of the IS&T Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIII: 3D Vision, Product Inspection, and Active Vision, (Boston, Massachusett), pp. 398-410, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Nov. 1994. |
[668] |
Patrick Hébert and Denis Laurendeau, "Three conditions for reliable surface recovery: robustness, viewpoint invariance and stability", in Proceedings of the IS&T Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIII: 3D Vision, Product Inspection, and Active Vision, (Boston, Massachusett), pp. 398-410, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Nov. 1994. |
[669] |
Patrick Hébert and Denis Laurendeau, "Three conditions for reliable surface recovery: robustness, viewpoint invariance and stability", in Proceedings of the IS&T Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIII: 3D Vision, Product Inspection, and Active Vision, (Boston, Massachusett), pp. 398-410, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Nov. 1994. |
[670] |
Patrick Hébert, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart, "Surface Profile Description: Reliable Geometric Primitive Extraction", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (12th IAPR), (Jérusalem, Israel), pp. 258-263, Oct. 1994. |