List of publications







[131] J. Lessard, Denis Laurendeau and P. Girard,
"Computer-Vision Based Estimation of the Position of a Robot in Its Environment",
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 634-640, May 1988.
[132] J. Lessard, Denis Laurendeau and P. Girard,
"Computer-Vision Based Estimation of the Position of a Robot in Its Environment",
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 634-640, May 1988.
[133] J. Lessard, Denis Laurendeau and P. Girard,
"Computer-Vision Based Estimation of the Position of a Robot in Its Environment",
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 634-640, May 1988.
[134] Réjean Plamondon and Marc Parizeau,
"Signature Verification from Position, Velocity and Acceleration Signals: A Comparative Study",
in Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 260-265, November 14-17 1988.
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[135] Réjean Plamondon and Marc Parizeau,
"Signature Verification from Position, Velocity and Acceleration Signals: A Comparative Study",
in Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 260-265, November 14-17 1988.
download document
[136] Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"What Types of Scripts can be used for Personal Identity Verification?",
in Computer Recognition and Human Production of Handwriting(R. Plamondon, C.Y. Suen & M.L. Simner ed.), pp. 77-90, World Scientific Publishing, 1989.
[137] Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"What Types of Scripts can be used for Personal Identity Verification?",
in Computer Recognition and Human Production of Handwriting(R. Plamondon, C.Y. Suen & M.L. Simner ed.), pp. 77-90, World Scientific Publishing, 1989.
[138] Xavier Maldague and M. Dufour,
"A dual-imager and its application for robot welding, surface inspection and two-color pyrometry",
Optical Engineering, vol. 28, no 8, pp. 872 - 880, Aug. 1989.
[139] Xavier Maldague and M. Dufour,
"A dual-imager and its application for robot welding, surface inspection and two-color pyrometry",
Optical Engineering, vol. 28, no 8, pp. 872 - 880, Aug. 1989.
[140] Xavier Maldague and M. Dufour,
"A dual-imager and its application for robot welding, surface inspection and two-color pyrometry",
Optical Engineering, vol. 28, no 8, pp. 872 - 880, Aug. 1989.

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