About Sarah Ali |
Job title:
Former student
EMail: |
Research interests:
- retrieval of 3D models
- non rigid alignment of 3d models
- extraction of 3D contours and features
- Inspection of 3d models
- Local comparison of 3D models
- Vison 3D
- recognition and learning
Teaching assistant for the numerical vision course, GIF-4100/ GIF 7001 (Electrical and computer engineering depatment, Laval University, Quebec, Canada)
- Sep 2012-Dec 2013
- Sep 2013-Dec 2014
Academic degrees:
- M.Sc. in applied mathematics(2008-2009 ), Lebanese University, Al-Hadath, Lebanon
- B.Sc. in pure mathematics(2004 - 2008), Lebanese University, Tripoli, Lebanon
- Math teacher (Jan 2009- Jan 2011), International School of Akkar, Akkar, Lebanon
- Intership for the project in handwriting recognition (LAMA), Tripoli, lebanon (Oct. 2008- Oct. 2009).
Activities and Associations:
- Student member of the REPARTI reunion (REPARTI du FRQ-NT), Université Laval, Octobre, 2013.
- Administrativeaux advisor for the electrical engineering department at the ALIES association, Laval University, Québec, Qc, Oct. 2013.
Distinctions and Awards:
- PhD scolarship, Laval university, Quebec, Canada, 2011.
- M. Sc scolarship, EDST-LAMA lab, Lebanon, 2008.