All mods are distributed freely, for non-commercial use only. They may be redistributed, as long as it remains clear who the creator is. Master of Orion 3 and all other names are the property of Atari.
Here are the graphic mods I have made for MoO3. They replace some of the backgrounds and icons found throughout the game.
Graphic mod for the standard MoO3 UI
Graphic mod for Gofur's UI
And here are some screenshots of what the game looks like with my mod, in the original interface.
This mod replaces the pics of the polymorph Darlock with a new version of the more traditional hooded Darlock.
My Ethos mod is here!
Ethos was one of the most interessing parts of MoO3, and it got cut a long time ago. Well I modded it back in as three race pics! This should add a more personal feel to MoO3.
Download Richy Ethos Mod 1.0b
You will need a bink player to watch the cutscenes outside the game. We recommend
About the cutscenes, I have made several scripts I would love to see turned into cutscenes. If anyone reading this cares to do it, feel free to use my ideas. All I ask is to be mentioned in the credits, and to be told when the cutscenes are ready!
Second X script
Third X script
Fourth X script
Fifth X script