Begins by showing a star and a planet orbiting it. The camera rotates around the scene. "Civilisations rise and fall, empires are built and destroyed, but one thing never changes: " The movement stops with the star in the upper-left corner and the planet in the lower-right corner of the image. Then the image changes to a white-beige piece of paper with a black outline of the star and the planet, with writing, arrows and graphs all around it. "the laws of science that govern the Universe. " Cuts to a scene of a one-cell microbe as seen through a microscope. The image freezes and becomes white-beige with a black outline of the cell, with the nucleus and all the inner structures outlined. And with arrows and writing pointing to the various structures. "From the smallest microbe -- " Cuts to a view of the galaxy spinning. The image freezes and becomes white-beige, with a black galaxy surrounded by arrows showing the rotation, and a representation of the core black hole, and writing and charts. "-- to the biggest galaxy, everything is controlled by these laws. " Cuts to a scene of a star collapsing into a black hole. Fades to a white-beige image with the black outline of the star. The paper scrolls down to show an outline of the explosion, then an outline of the black hole. All of these are surrounded by charts and writing, and arrows of one figure to the next. "Stellar events can be predicted to quantum precision with the right set of equations and constants. " Cuts to a scene with a city evolving in fast-forward in the background, and charts and graphs in the foreground. The city grows and is developed as the charts and graphs rise, then collapses into ruins as the charts and graphs fall. "Even social interactions can be modelled, quantified, and predicted. " Cuts to a blank white-beige sheet. Writing and graphics begin are written all around, and a drawing is drawn in the middle. The drawing quickly resembles a star and a ring orbiting it instead of a planet. Near completion, the drawing fades out to an image of the real thing: a star with a populated ring around it (like the one we see in RingWorld – just type “ringworld” in Google Image Search and you’ll get the idea). "You must first learn the laws that control and limit the universe. When you understand those laws, you begin to see how you can affect them. " Cuts to a black white-beige sheet. Writing and graphics are being written all around, and a drawing is drawn in the middle. The drawing quickly resembles a big missile. Near completion, the drawing fades out to an image of the real thing: a big missile, diving into a yellow star. The star then quickly shifts to orange, then red, then explodes. "Control them. Bend them to your will. You are now one step closer to becoming Master. " Show the container with the “You now have the third X” message.