Begins with a shot of the primordial soup at the microscopic level. A single cell floats through. "They say luck and need is what controls the evolution of species. " Fades to a view of a rich forest with a river. The first fish to walk on land walks out of the river and onto the shore. "What transformed a simple cell into a diverse ecosystem, and into an intelligent specie that would one day fight for it’s share of the galaxy. " It keeps on walking until it reaches the feet of an Antaran, which picks it up. "Lies! " Cuts to a scene in an Antaran laboratory. There are incubator spheres on the wall, and the walking fish in a cage somewhere next to other species, like a giant primitive ant. There are Antaran scientists walking around with pads and instruments. "We have learned long ago that it was not luck that lead to the birth of the species of this sector, but design. The only need that guided our evolution was the need of elder species. " Cuts to two Antaran scientists talking next to a 3D holographic display of a DNA double-helix. A few genes are a different colour from the rest and are blinking. "Their meddling is still part of our being. " Cuts to the incubation spheres, with beings of various species in stasis visible inside. Those beings are primitive ancestors of today’s species. "Their will still shapes our actions, our thoughts, our destiny. " Cuts to scenes in various younger species laboratories. Each scene would last only a second. The purpose is to show the younger species without becoming a race-specific video. We could see Humans in a biology lab similar to today’s, but with futuristic machinery. Then a Psilon in his hover chair, moving through a huge cylindrical tunnel of computer displays (all showing bio-related stuff, like cells and DNA helix), various tubes with bubbling liquids, keybords, etc. Then a Klakon in a cave, contemplating a 3D holographic display of a DNA triple-helix (why not?). Then a Sakkra in a glass coffin-like pod, with tubes coming out of it and going in various directions, and inside electrical arcs hitting his body. "It is time to undo what they did to us. To take back control of our very genes, and become once again masters of ourselves. " Show the container with the “You now have the fourth X” message.