The camera rotates around a beautiful Antaran city. The sky is blue, the buildings are modern and gleaming, a shuttle is flying by and Antarans are walking in the streets. There is a sun in the sky. "All civilisations have their rises and falls, their golden eras -- " The sun blinds the view for a second; the image becomes all white. When we can see again we are still watching the same city, but it is in ruins. The sky is grey and cloudy, the building are broken or collapsing and the city looks long-abandoned. "-- and their dark ages. Take our history for example. " Fade to black. We see a small convoy floating in space, maybe two primitive colony ships and two or three worn-out scout ships. "We were a desperate people, weak refugees fleeing the collapse of Central One. " Fade to black We see a city, maybe the same as before, but all the windows are barricaded. The buildings look worn out, but not abandoned. Overall, there is a sad feel to this city. And instead of the sky, we see chaotic waves of energy with reddish colours (red, orange, purple, etc.), to show this planet is no longer in space but somewhere else. "We were desperate after the war, locked in the Orion’s dimensional prison. " Fade to black We see a fleet of Antaran ships (maybe the same look as in MoO2?), all looking brand-new, powerful and menacing, ready to take on the galaxy. They are flying in space. "But we always rebuilt, always rose back to power, because we knew our destiny was to rule the stars. That is the true power of a people. " Fade to black We see the city in ruins from the first scene, the camera continues to rotate around it. "Not to avoid the falls and the darkness, for no one can do that. " Fade to a scene with the same city being rebuilt by Antarans. We see Antarans welding metal beams, machinery lifting materials to the top of a skyscraper. "But to have the strength to rebuild and to rise again, greater and mightier than before. " A shuttle flies through the city. The camera rotates 180° to watch it as it flies into the stars. Soon, all we see are the stars. A dark, shadowy, menacing Antaran face slowly becomes visible behind the stars. "We Antarans have that power, and though we have once again fallen, we will one day return and reclaim our rightful place as masters of the galaxy. " Fade to black "Do you have that power? " Show the container with the “You now have the second X” message.