Shows a star system, with a small fleet of obviously non-Antaran ships flying towards a trans-dimensional gate. The way I see it they are green, vaguely organic-shaped ships, like the ship on the “About and contact” button on the "The Antaran’s power is no longer felt in the galaxy. " Shows a city falling into ruin. Buildings everywhere are abandoned and broken. Could be cool to see a spiral tower collapsing. "Their cities are collapsing. " Shows a domed city on a toxic planet (like Mars, a reddish windy plane with mountains in the horizon). Inside the dome, everything is dark and still. "Their outposts are abandoned. " Goes back to the view of the non-Antaran fleet. They go through the trans-dimensional gate and enter dimensional space. The way I see it, dimensional space has no starfield, just random movements of waves of reddish (red, orange, etc.) colours in the background. "Younger races are traveling through their dimensional domain unchallenged. " Shows another ruined city on a planet in dimensional space. Instead of the sky, we see more waves of reddish energy. There is a humanoid archaeologist in a spacesuit. He is lifting up some dusty metallic stab he just unearthed from the ruins. "Plundering their ruins. Searching for their secrets. " Goes back to the view of the non-Antaran fleet flying through dimensional space. The camera is watching from the upper-back-right side of the fleet (therefore looking at the fleet with a slightly down angle, seeing their top, left side and rear, and dimensional space at the right side of the fleet). The camera is still, the fleet is passing it, moving away from it. "Finding nothing but more mysteries. " We see something small moving off the side of the non-Antaran fleet, in the space far at their right. The fleet continues to fly without noticing it. The camera is still, we see the fleet going farther away from us and the small movement (which eventually becomes recognisable as a small Antaran scoutship) coming towards us. "Where did the Antarans come from? Where have they gone? Have they disappeared for good? " The small ship passes the camera. Camera rotates 180 degrees and follows the Antaran scout as it flies in dimensional space and reaches a hidden Antaran armada. Armada ships are powered up, in good shape and looking quite menacing. "Or are they just hiding in the shadows, waiting, watching, preparing their return? " Show the container with the “You now have the fifth X” message.