Titre |
[11] |
Pierre-Luc St-Charles, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau and Robert Bergevin, "Flexible Background Subtraction with Self-Balanced Local Sensitivity", in CVPR Workshops, (Columbus, Ohio), pp. 414-419, June 2014. |
[12] |
Guillaume Villeneuve and Robert Bergevin, "On Structuring Multiple Grouping Hypotheses in Generic Object Detection", in Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision 2013, (Regina, Saskatchewan), pp. 340-347, May 28-31 2013. |
[13] |
Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "Human gait characteristics from unconstrained walks and viewpoints", in IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, (Barcelona, Spain), pp. 1883-1888, November 2011. |
[14] |
Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "Rectification métrique de la démarche d'une personne à partir d'une seule caméra calibrée", in Vidéo numérique: Traitement, analyse et reconnaissance, ACFAS 2011, (Sherbrooke, QC, Canada), May 2011. |
[15] |
Olivier Levesque and Robert Bergevin, "Detection and Identification of Animals using Stereo Vision", in Proceeedings of Workshop on Visual Observation and Analysis of Animal and Insect Behaviors (held in conjunction with ICPR 2010), (Istanbul, Turkey), August 2010. |
[16] |
Robert Bergevin and Jean-François Bernier, "Detection of unexpected multi-part objects from segmented contour maps", Pattern Recognition, vol. 42, no 11, pp. 2403-2420, November 2009. |
[17] |
Frédéric Jean, Alexandra Branzan-Albu and Robert Bergevin, "Towards View-Invariant Gait Modeling: Computing View-Normalized Body Part Trajectories", Pattern Recognition, vol. 42, no 11, pp. 2936-2949, November 2009. |
[18] |
Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "Computing and Evaluating View-normalized Body Part Trajectories", Image and Vision Computing, vol. 27, no 9, pp. 1272–1284, August 2009. |
[19] |
Robert Bergevin and Vincent Bergeron, "Enhancing Boundary Primitives using a Multiscale Quadtree Segmentation", in Proceedings of Fourth International Symposium on Visual Computing, (Las Vegas, Nevada), pp. 8 pages, December 1-3 2008. |
[20] |
Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu, "Trajectories Normalization for Viewpoint Invariant Gait Recognition", in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'08), pp. 4, December 8-11 2008. |