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[1111] Denis Laurendeau, Clément Gosselin, Sylvain Comtois, Thierry Laliberté, François Blais and Frédéric Loranger,
"A Random Access 3D/2D Vision Sensor",
in Proc. VI-98, (Vancouver BC), pp. 93-100, June 18-20 1998.
[1112] Xiaolin Li, Réjean Plamondon and Marc Parizeau,
"Model-based On-line Handwritten Digit Recognition",
in Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 1134-1136, August 1998.
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[1113] Xiaolin Li, Réjean Plamondon and Marc Parizeau,
"Model-based On-line Handwritten Digit Recognition",
in Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 1134-1136, August 1998.
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[1114] Xiaolin Li, Réjean Plamondon and Marc Parizeau,
"Model-based On-line Handwritten Digit Recognition",
in Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 1134-1136, August 1998.
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[1115] Jean-François Hébert, Marc Parizeau and Nadia Ghazzali,
"A New Fuzzy Geometric Representation for On-Line Isolated Character Recognition",
in Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Brisbane (Australie), pp. 1121-1123, August 1998.
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[1116] Jean-François Hébert, Marc Parizeau and Nadia Ghazzali,
"A New Fuzzy Geometric Representation for On-Line Isolated Character Recognition",
in Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Brisbane (Australie), pp. 1121-1123, August 1998.
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[1117] Jean-François Hébert, Marc Parizeau and Nadia Ghazzali,
"A New Fuzzy Geometric Representation for On-Line Isolated Character Recognition",
in Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Brisbane (Australie), pp. 1121-1123, August 1998.
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[1118] Xiaolin Li, Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"Segmentation and Reconstruction of On-Line Handwritten Scripts",
Pattern Recognition, vol. 31, no 6, pp. 675-684, June 1998.
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[1119] Xiaolin Li, Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"Segmentation and Reconstruction of On-Line Handwritten Scripts",
Pattern Recognition, vol. 31, no 6, pp. 675-684, June 1998.
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[1120] Xiaolin Li, Marc Parizeau and Réjean Plamondon,
"Segmentation and Reconstruction of On-Line Handwritten Scripts",
Pattern Recognition, vol. 31, no 6, pp. 675-684, June 1998.
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