Titre |
[1071] |
Louis-Martin Girouard, Jean Pouliot, Xavier Maldague and André Zaccarin, "Automatic Setup Deviation Measurements with Electronic Portal Images for Pelvic Fields", Medical Physics, vol. 25, no 7, pp. 1180-1185, July 1998. |
[1072] |
Louis-Martin Girouard, Jean Pouliot, Xavier Maldague and André Zaccarin, "Automatic Setup Deviation Measurements with Electronic Portal Images for Pelvic Fields", Medical Physics, vol. 25, no 7, pp. 1180-1185, July 1998. |
[1073] |
Louis-Martin Girouard, Jean Pouliot, Xavier Maldague and André Zaccarin, "Automatic Setup Deviation Measurements with Electronic Portal Images for Pelvic Fields", Medical Physics, vol. 25, no 7, pp. 1180-1185, July 1998. |
[1074] |
Louis-Martin Girouard, Jean Pouliot, Xavier Maldague and André Zaccarin, "Automatic Setup Deviation Measurements with Electronic Portal Images for Pelvic Fields", Medical Physics, vol. 25, no 7, pp. 1180-1185, July 1998. |
[1075] |
Louis-Martin Girouard, Jean Pouliot, Xavier Maldague and André Zaccarin, "Automatic Setup Deviation Measurements with Electronic Portal Images for Pelvic Fields", Medical Physics, vol. 25, no 7, pp. 1180-1185, July 1998. |
[1076] |
Antoine Escobar and Denis Laurendeau, "Registration of Free-Form Objects from 3D Edge Images Using the Hausdorff Distance", in Proc. MVA 98, (Japan), Nov. 1998. |
[1077] |
Antoine Escobar and Denis Laurendeau, "Registration of Free-Form Objects from 3D Edge Images Using the Hausdorff Distance", in Proc. MVA 98, (Japan), Nov. 1998. |
[1078] |
Antoine Escobar and Denis Laurendeau, "Registration of Free-Form Objects from 3D Edge Images Using the Hausdorff Distance", in Proc. MVA 98, (Japan), Nov. 1998. |
[1079] |
Christophe Deutsch, André Zaccarin and Denis Laurendeau, "Model-Based Tracking by Monocular Vision", in Proc. 10th IMDSP (IEEE workshop on Image and multi-dimensional digital signal) Workshop(H. Niemann, H.-P. Seidel, and B. Girod ed.), (Alpbach, Austria), pp. 179-182, July 12-16 1998. |
[1080] |
Christophe Deutsch, André Zaccarin and Denis Laurendeau, "Model-Based Tracking by Monocular Vision", in Proc. 10th IMDSP (IEEE workshop on Image and multi-dimensional digital signal) Workshop(H. Niemann, H.-P. Seidel, and B. Girod ed.), (Alpbach, Austria), pp. 179-182, July 12-16 1998. |