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[1061] Patrick Hébert, Jacques Tremblay, François Blais, H. Chotard and S. Dyck,
"Towards Flexible 3-D Digitizing Systems",
in Proceedings of the IX European Signal Processing Conference Eusipco-98, (Rhodes, Grêce), pp. 1281-1284, Sept. 8-11 1998.
[1062] Patrick Hébert and M. Rioux,
"Toward a Hand-Held Laser Range Scanner: Integrating Observation-based Motion Compensation",
in Proceedings of IS&T Photonics West: Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications(R. N. Ellson, J. H. Nurre ed.), (San Jose, CA), pp. 2-13, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Jan. 1998.
[1063] Patrick Hébert and M. Rioux,
"Toward a Hand-Held Laser Range Scanner: Integrating Observation-based Motion Compensation",
in Proceedings of IS&T Photonics West: Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications(R. N. Ellson, J. H. Nurre ed.), (San Jose, CA), pp. 2-13, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Jan. 1998.
[1064] Patrick Hébert and M. Rioux,
"Toward a Hand-Held Laser Range Scanner: Integrating Observation-based Motion Compensation",
in Proceedings of IS&T Photonics West: Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications(R. N. Ellson, J. H. Nurre ed.), (San Jose, CA), pp. 2-13, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Jan. 1998.
[1065] Robert Bergevin and Marielle Mokhtari,
"Multiscale Contour Segmentation and Approximation: An Optimal Algorithm Based on the Geometry of Regular Inscribed Polygons",
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 71, no 1, pp. 55-73, July 1998.
[1066] Robert Bergevin and Marielle Mokhtari,
"Multiscale Contour Segmentation and Approximation: An Optimal Algorithm Based on the Geometry of Regular Inscribed Polygons",
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 71, no 1, pp. 55-73, July 1998.
[1067] Xavier Maldague, Y. Largouët and Jean-Pierre Couturier,
"Depth Study in Pulsed Phase Thermography using Neural Networks: Modelling, Noise, Experiments",
Revue Générale de Thermique (Special QIRT ’98 issue), vol. 37, no 8, pp. 704-708, Sept. 1998.
[1068] Xavier Maldague, Y. Largouët and Jean-Pierre Couturier,
"Depth Study in Pulsed Phase Thermography using Neural Networks: Modelling, Noise, Experiments",
Revue Générale de Thermique (Special QIRT ’98 issue), vol. 37, no 8, pp. 704-708, Sept. 1998.
[1069] Xavier Maldague, Y. Largouët and Jean-Pierre Couturier,
"Depth Study in Pulsed Phase Thermography using Neural Networks: Modelling, Noise, Experiments",
Revue Générale de Thermique (Special QIRT ’98 issue), vol. 37, no 8, pp. 704-708, Sept. 1998.
[1070] Xavier Maldague, Y. Largouët and Jean-Pierre Couturier,
"Depth Study in Pulsed Phase Thermography using Neural Networks: Modelling, Noise, Experiments",
Revue Générale de Thermique (Special QIRT ’98 issue), vol. 37, no 8, pp. 704-708, Sept. 1998.

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