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[1051] Marielle Mokhtari, Annie Bubel and Robert Bergevin,
"Robust Extraction of 3D Structures by Fusion of Intensity-Based and Contour-Based Junction Features",
in Proceedings of IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, (Makuhari, Chiba, Japan), pp. 335-338, November 17-19 1998.
[1052] Marielle Mokhtari, Annie Bubel and Robert Bergevin,
"Robust Extraction of 3D Structures by Fusion of Intensity-Based and Contour-Based Junction Features",
in Proceedings of IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, (Makuhari, Chiba, Japan), pp. 335-338, November 17-19 1998.
[1053] Marielle Mokhtari and Robert Bergevin,
"Multiscale Compression of Planar Curves using Constant Curvature Segments",
in Proceedings of IAPR 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, (Brisbane, Australia), pp. 744-746, August 16-20 1998.
[1054] Marielle Mokhtari and Robert Bergevin,
"Multiscale Compression of Planar Curves using Constant Curvature Segments",
in Proceedings of IAPR 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, (Brisbane, Australia), pp. 744-746, August 16-20 1998.
[1055] Annie Bubel and Robert Bergevin,
"Classifying Junctions by Vector Quantization",
in Proceedings of CIPPRS Vision Interface ’98, (Vancouver, BC), pp. 165-171, June 18-20 1998.
[1056] Annie Bubel and Robert Bergevin,
"Classifying Junctions by Vector Quantization",
in Proceedings of CIPPRS Vision Interface ’98, (Vancouver, BC), pp. 165-171, June 18-20 1998.
[1057] Patrick Hébert, Jacques Tremblay, François Blais, H. Chotard and S. Dyck,
"Towards Flexible 3-D Digitizing Systems",
in Proceedings of the IX European Signal Processing Conference Eusipco-98, (Rhodes, Grêce), pp. 1281-1284, Sept. 8-11 1998.
[1058] Patrick Hébert, Jacques Tremblay, François Blais, H. Chotard and S. Dyck,
"Towards Flexible 3-D Digitizing Systems",
in Proceedings of the IX European Signal Processing Conference Eusipco-98, (Rhodes, Grêce), pp. 1281-1284, Sept. 8-11 1998.
[1059] Patrick Hébert, Jacques Tremblay, François Blais, H. Chotard and S. Dyck,
"Towards Flexible 3-D Digitizing Systems",
in Proceedings of the IX European Signal Processing Conference Eusipco-98, (Rhodes, Grêce), pp. 1281-1284, Sept. 8-11 1998.
[1060] Patrick Hébert, Jacques Tremblay, François Blais, H. Chotard and S. Dyck,
"Towards Flexible 3-D Digitizing Systems",
in Proceedings of the IX European Signal Processing Conference Eusipco-98, (Rhodes, Grêce), pp. 1281-1284, Sept. 8-11 1998.

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