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[1081] Christophe Deutsch, André Zaccarin and Denis Laurendeau,
"Model-Based Tracking by Monocular Vision",
in Proc. 10th IMDSP (IEEE workshop on Image and multi-dimensional digital signal) Workshop(H. Niemann, H.-P. Seidel, and B. Girod ed.), (Alpbach, Austria), pp. 179-182, July 12-16 1998.
[1082] Christophe Deutsch, André Zaccarin and Denis Laurendeau,
"Model-Based Tracking by Monocular Vision",
in Proc. 10th IMDSP (IEEE workshop on Image and multi-dimensional digital signal) Workshop(H. Niemann, H.-P. Seidel, and B. Girod ed.), (Alpbach, Austria), pp. 179-182, July 12-16 1998.
[1083] Antoine Escobar and Denis Laurendeau,
"3D Tracking Using the Hausdorff Distance",
in Proc. 10th IMDSP Workshop, (Alpbach, Austria), pp. 191-194, July 12-16 1998.
[1084] Antoine Escobar and Denis Laurendeau,
"3D Tracking Using the Hausdorff Distance",
in Proc. 10th IMDSP Workshop, (Alpbach, Austria), pp. 191-194, July 12-16 1998.
[1085] Antoine Escobar and Denis Laurendeau,
"3D Tracking Using the Hausdorff Distance",
in Proc. 10th IMDSP Workshop, (Alpbach, Austria), pp. 191-194, July 12-16 1998.
[1086] Pierre Payeur, Denis Laurendeau and Clément Gosselin,
"Range Data Merging for Probabilistic Octree Modeling of 3-D Workspaces",
in Proc. ICRA 1998, (Leuven, Belgium), pp. 3071-3078, May 16-21 1998.
[1087] Pierre Payeur, Denis Laurendeau and Clément Gosselin,
"Range Data Merging for Probabilistic Octree Modeling of 3-D Workspaces",
in Proc. ICRA 1998, (Leuven, Belgium), pp. 3071-3078, May 16-21 1998.
[1088] Pierre Payeur, Denis Laurendeau and Clément Gosselin,
"Range Data Merging for Probabilistic Octree Modeling of 3-D Workspaces",
in Proc. ICRA 1998, (Leuven, Belgium), pp. 3071-3078, May 16-21 1998.
[1089] Pierre Payeur, Denis Laurendeau and Clément Gosselin,
"Range Data Merging for Probabilistic Octree Modeling of 3-D Workspaces",
in Proc. ICRA 1998, (Leuven, Belgium), pp. 3071-3078, May 16-21 1998.
[1090] Pierre Payeur, Denis Laurendeau and Clément Gosselin,
"Application of 3-D Probabilistic Occupancy Models for Potential Field Based Collision Free Path Planning",
in Proc. 10th IMDSP Workshop, (Alpbach, Austria), pp. 175-178, July 12-16 1998.

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