Titre |
[1] |
Amar El Maadi, Vincent Grégoire, Louis St-Laurent, Hélène Torresan, Benoît Turgeon, D. Prévost, Patrick Hébert, Denis Laurendeau, Benoît Ricard and Xavier Maldague, "Visible and Infrared Imagery for Surveillance Applications: Software and Hardware Considerations", Journal QIRT, vol. 4, no 1, pp. 25-40, 2007. |
[2] |
Alexandra Branzan-Albu, Denis Laurendeau, Sylvain Comtois, Denis Ouellet, Patrick Hébert, André Zaccarin, Marc Parizeau, Robert Bergevin, Xavier Maldague, Richard Drouin, Stéphane Drouin, Nicolas Martel-Brisson, Frédéric Jean, Hélène Torresan, Langis Gagnon and France Laliberté, "MONNET: Monitoring Pedestrians with a Network of Loosely-Coupled Cameras", in International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2006), (Hong Kong, China), August 20-24 2006. |
[3] |
Xavier Maldague, Hélène Torresan, Amar El Maadi, Jean-Marc Piau, Stéphane Guibert, Mirela Susa, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo and Abdel Hakim Bendada, "Visible and Infrared Imagery for Surveillance Applications: Software and Hardware Considerations", in QIRT 8 – Quantitative Infrared Thermography, (Padova, Italy), June 28-30 2006. |
[4] |
Hélène Torresan, Benoît Turgeon, Patrick Hébert and Xavier Maldague, "Combining Video and Thermal Imagery for Robust Pedestrian Tracking", in Proc. of the 7th Internatioanl Conf. on Quantitative Infra Red Thermography - QIRT 7(D. Balageas, G. Busse, G.M. Carlomagno, J.-M. Buchlin ed.), (Bruxelles, Belgique), pp. C.5.1 - C.5.6, 2004. |
[5] |
Hélène Torresan, Benoît Turgeon, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Patrick Hébert and Xavier Maldague, "Advanced Surveillance System: Combining Video and Thermal Imagery for Pedestrian Detection", in Proc. of SPIE, Thermosense XXVI(Douglas D. Burleigh, K. Elliott Cramer, G. Raymond Peacock ed.), vol. 5405 of SPIE, pp. 506-515, April 2004. |
[6] |
Xavier Maldague and Hélène Torresan, "A Microprogrammable Processor Teaching Tool and its FPGA Implementation", IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 28, no 3/4, pp. 139-144, 2003. |