MONNET: Monitoring Pedestrians with a Network of Loosely-Coupled Cameras
Alexandra Branzan-Albu, Denis Laurendeau, Sylvain Comtois, Denis Ouellet, Patrick Hébert, André Zaccarin, Marc Parizeau, Robert Bergevin, Xavier Maldague, Richard Drouin, Stéphane Drouin, Nicolas Martel-Brisson, Frédéric Jean, Hélène Torresan, Langis Gagnon and France Laliberté

author = { Alexandra Branzan-Albu and Denis Laurendeau and Sylvain Comtois and Denis Ouellet and Patrick Hébert and André Zaccarin and Marc Parizeau and Robert Bergevin and Xavier Maldague and Richard Drouin and Stéphane Drouin and Nicolas Martel-Brisson and Frédéric Jean and Hélène Torresan and Langis Gagnon and France Laliberté },
title = { MONNET: Monitoring Pedestrians with a Network of Loosely-Coupled Cameras },
booktitle = { International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2006) },
address = { Hong Kong, China },
year = { 2006 },
month = { August 20-24 }
Dernière modification: 2006/06/22 par laurend