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Co-adapting Mobile Sensor Networks to Maximize Coverage in Dynamic Environments

François-Michel De Rainville, Christian Gagné and Denis Laurendeau

Abstract - With recent advances in mobile computing, swarm robotics has demonstrated its utility in countless situations like recognition, surveillance, and search and rescue. This paper pre-sents a novel approach to optimize the position of a swarm of robots to accomplish sensing tasks based on cooperative co-evolution. Results show that the introduced cooperative method simultaneously finds the right number of sensors while also optimizing their positions in static and dynamic environments.

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    author    = { François-Michel De Rainville and Christian Gagné and Denis Laurendeau },
    title     = { Co-adapting Mobile Sensor Networks to Maximize Coverage in Dynamic Environments },
    booktitle = { Companion proc. of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2012) },
    year      = { 2012 },
    month     = { July 07-11 },
    journal   = { Companion proc. of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2012) },
    location  = { Philadelphia (PA), USA }

Dernière modification: 2012/06/12 par fmder1


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