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[21] Zahra Toony, Denis Laurendeau and Christian Gagné,
"Describing 3D Geometric Primitives Using the Gaussian Sphere and the Gaussian Accumulator",
3D Research, vol. 6, no 4, 12 2015.
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[22] Trung Thien Tran, Van-Toan Cao and Denis Laurendeau,
"Extraction of cylinders and estimation of their parameters from point clouds",
Computers & Graphics, vol. 46, pp. 345-357, 2015.
[23] Zahra Toony, Denis Laurendeau and Christian Gagné,
"PGP2X: Principal Geometric Primitives Parameters Extraction",
in Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP), 2015.
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[24] François-Michel De Rainville, Jean-Philippe Mercier, Christian Gagné, Philippe Giguère and Denis Laurendeau,
"Multisensor Placement in 3D Environments via Visibility Estimation and Derivative-Free Optimization",
in Proc. of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2015.
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[25] Peyman Hedayati Vahid, Somayeh Hesabi, Xavier Maldague and Denis Laurendeau,
"A Defect Detection Approach in Thermal Images",
in 12th International Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography(Daniel Balageas ed. ed.), (Bordeaux, France), 7-11 July 2014.
[26] Luc Beaulieu, Alexandre Carette, Sylvain Comtois, M Lavigueur, Philippe Cardou and Denis Laurendeau,
"A brachytherapy simulator with realistic haptic force feedback and real-time ultrasounds image simulation for training and teaching",
in American Association of Physicists in Medicine, (Austin, Texas, USA), July 20-24 2014.
[27] Anne-Sophie Poulin-Girard, Xavier Dallaire, Simon Thibault and Denis Laurendeau,
"Virtual Camera Calibration Technique for enhanced vision systems performances",
in SPIE Optics and Photonics, (San Diego, CA, USA), August 17-21 2014.
[28] Anne-Sophie Poulin-Girard, Simon Thibault and Denis Laurendeau,
"Virtual Camera Calibration using Optical Design Software",
Applied Optics, vol. 53, no 13, pp. 2822-2827, May 2014.
[29] Taha Kowsari, Steven Beauchemin, M.A. Bauer, Denis Laurendeau and Normand Teasdale,
"Multi-depth cross-calibration of remote eye gaze trackers and stereoscopic scene systems",
in Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, (Dearborn, Michigan, USA), pp. 1245-1250, June 2014.
[30] Maxim Mikhnevich and Denis Laurendeau,
"Shape from Silhouette in Space, Time and Light Domains",
in VISAPP, (Lisbon Portual), pp. 368-377, January 2014.

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