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Multisensor Placement in 3D Environments via Visibility Estimation and Derivative-Free Optimization

François-Michel De Rainville, Jean-Philippe Mercier, Christian Gagné, Philippe Giguère and Denis Laurendeau

Abstract - This paper proposes a complete system for robotic sensor placement in initially unknown arbitrary three-dimensional environments. The system uses a novel approach for computing the quality of acquisition of a mobile sensor group in such environments. The quality of acquisition is based on a geometric model of a camera which allows accurate sensor models and simple occlusion computation. The proposed system combines this new metric with a global derivative-free optimization algorithm to find simultaneously the number of sensors and their configuration to sense accordingly the environment. The presented framework compares favourably with current techniques working in two-dimensional environments. Furthermore, simulation and experimental results demonstrate the ability of the system to cope with full three-dimensional environments, a domain still unexplored by previous methods.

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    author    = { François-Michel De Rainville and Jean-Philippe Mercier and Christian Gagné and Philippe Giguère and Denis Laurendeau },
    title     = { Multisensor Placement in 3D Environments via Visibility Estimation and Derivative-Free Optimization },
    booktitle = { Proc. of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) },
    year      = { 2015 },
    month     = { May },
    location  = { Seattle, WA }

Dernière modification: 2015/03/11 par cgagne


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