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[1171] Moulay Akhloufi, Paul Cohen and Vladimir Polotski,
"Novel views from non-calibrated stereo",
in Vision Interface Conference (VI’99), (Trois-Rivieres, QC, Canada), pp. 390-396, May 1999.
[1172] Denis Laurendeau, Nathalie Bertrand and Régis Houde,
"The Mapping of Texture on VR Polygonal Models",
in Proc. 3’DIM 99, Proc. Second Int. Conf. on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, (Ottawa, Ont.), Oct. 4-8 1999.
[1173] Jean-François Hébert and Marc Parizeau,
"Cursive Character Detection using Incremental Learning",
in Proc. of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), pp. 808-811, September 1999.
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[1174] Jean-François Hébert and Marc Parizeau,
"Cursive Character Detection using Incremental Learning",
in Proc. of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), pp. 808-811, September 1999.
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[1175] Jean-François Hébert, Marc Parizeau and Nadia Ghazzali,
"An Hybrid Architecture for Active and Incremental Learning: The Self-Organizing Perceptron (SOP) Network",
in Proc. of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 1646-1651, July 1999.
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[1176] Jean-François Hébert, Marc Parizeau and Nadia Ghazzali,
"An Hybrid Architecture for Active and Incremental Learning: The Self-Organizing Perceptron (SOP) Network",
in Proc. of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 1646-1651, July 1999.
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[1177] Jean-François Hébert, Marc Parizeau and Nadia Ghazzali,
"Learning to Segment Cursive Words using Isolated Characters",
in Proc. of the Vision Interface Conference, pp. 33-40, May 1999.
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[1178] Jean-François Hébert, Marc Parizeau and Nadia Ghazzali,
"Learning to Segment Cursive Words using Isolated Characters",
in Proc. of the Vision Interface Conference, pp. 33-40, May 1999.
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[1179] Jean-François Hébert, Marc Parizeau and Nadia Ghazzali,
"Learning to Segment Cursive Words using Isolated Characters",
in Proc. of the Vision Interface Conference, pp. 33-40, May 1999.
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[1180] Sylvain Comtois,
Conception d'un microstimulateur optique en vue d'une dissection de l'information visuelle animale
, Université Laval, Juillet 1999.
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