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[1031] Jean-Pierre Couturier and Xavier Maldague,
"Pulsed Phase Thermography (PPT) Applied to the Inspection of Wood Panels",
in IIIe Atelier International Québec 97: Avances en Traitement du Signal pour l’ Évaluation Non Destructive des Matériaux(X. Maldague ed.), (Québec), pp. 285-288, TONES, ASNT pub., 1998.
[1032] Jean-Pierre Couturier and Xavier Maldague,
"Pulsed Phase Thermography (PPT) Applied to the Inspection of Wood Panels",
in IIIe Atelier International Québec 97: Avances en Traitement du Signal pour l’ Évaluation Non Destructive des Matériaux(X. Maldague ed.), (Québec), pp. 285-288, TONES, ASNT pub., 1998.
[1033] Jean-Pierre Couturier and Xavier Maldague,
"Pulsed Phase Thermography (PPT) Applied to the Inspection of Wood Panels",
in IIIe Atelier International Québec 97: Avances en Traitement du Signal pour l’ Évaluation Non Destructive des Matériaux(X. Maldague ed.), (Québec), pp. 285-288, TONES, ASNT pub., 1998.
[1034] Y. Largouët and Xavier Maldague,
"Pulsed Phase Thermography of Aluminum Laminates: Neural Network Investigation",
in QIRT-98 (Quantitative Infrared Thermography), Eurotherm Seminar 60(D. Balageas, G. Busse, C. Carlomagno ed.), (Lodz, Pologne), pp. 167-170, Sept. 7-10 1998.
[1035] Y. Largouët and Xavier Maldague,
"Pulsed Phase Thermography of Aluminum Laminates: Neural Network Investigation",
in QIRT-98 (Quantitative Infrared Thermography), Eurotherm Seminar 60(D. Balageas, G. Busse, C. Carlomagno ed.), (Lodz, Pologne), pp. 167-170, Sept. 7-10 1998.
[1036] Y. Largouët and Xavier Maldague,
"Pulsed Phase Thermography of Aluminum Laminates: Neural Network Investigation",
in QIRT-98 (Quantitative Infrared Thermography), Eurotherm Seminar 60(D. Balageas, G. Busse, C. Carlomagno ed.), (Lodz, Pologne), pp. 167-170, Sept. 7-10 1998.
[1037] Denis Dion Jr and Denis Laurendeau,
"Local 3d modeling and user-assisted 2D/3D segmentation",
in Proc. 8th Annual IRIS-PRECARN Conf., (Vancouver, BC), June 15-17 1998.
[1038] Denis Dion Jr and Denis Laurendeau,
"Local 3d modeling and user-assisted 2D/3D segmentation",
in Proc. 8th Annual IRIS-PRECARN Conf., (Vancouver, BC), June 15-17 1998.
[1039] Denis Dion Jr and Denis Laurendeau,
"Local 3d modeling and user-assisted 2D/3D segmentation",
in Proc. 8th Annual IRIS-PRECARN Conf., (Vancouver, BC), June 15-17 1998.
[1040] Luc Martel and André Zaccarin,
"Adaptive thresholding for detection of non significant vector in noisy image sequences",
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP '98), (Seattle, WA), pp. 2597-2600, May 12-15 1998.

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