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[1021] D. Almond, Gerd Busse, Ermanno Grinzato, J. C. Krapez, Xavier Maldague, V. Vavilov and W. Peng,
"Infrared thermographic detection and characterization of inpact damages in carbon fiber plastics: round robin test result",
in QIRT-98 (Quantitative Infrared Thermography), Eurotherm Seminar 60(D. Balageas, G. Busse, C. Carlomagno ed.), (Lodz, Pologne), pp. 43-52, Sept. 7-10 1998.
[1022] D. Almond, Gerd Busse, Ermanno Grinzato, J. C. Krapez, Xavier Maldague, V. Vavilov and W. Peng,
"Infrared thermographic detection and characterization of inpact damages in carbon fiber plastics: round robin test result",
in QIRT-98 (Quantitative Infrared Thermography), Eurotherm Seminar 60(D. Balageas, G. Busse, C. Carlomagno ed.), (Lodz, Pologne), pp. 43-52, Sept. 7-10 1998.
[1023] D. Almond, Gerd Busse, Ermanno Grinzato, J. C. Krapez, Xavier Maldague, V. Vavilov and W. Peng,
"Infrared thermographic detection and characterization of inpact damages in carbon fiber plastics: round robin test result",
in QIRT-98 (Quantitative Infrared Thermography), Eurotherm Seminar 60(D. Balageas, G. Busse, C. Carlomagno ed.), (Lodz, Pologne), pp. 43-52, Sept. 7-10 1998.
[1024] François Galmiche and Xavier Maldague,
"Pulsed Phase and Thermal Tomography: A comparison",
in 1998 Pan American NDT Conference, (Toronto, Ontario), Sept. 14-18 1998.
[1025] François Galmiche and Xavier Maldague,
"Pulsed Phase and Thermal Tomography: A comparison",
in 1998 Pan American NDT Conference, (Toronto, Ontario), Sept. 14-18 1998.
[1026] François Galmiche and Xavier Maldague,
"Pulsed Phase and Thermal Tomography: A comparison",
in 1998 Pan American NDT Conference, (Toronto, Ontario), Sept. 14-18 1998.
[1027] Y. Largouët, Akbar Darabi and Xavier Maldague,
"Depth evaluation in pulsed phase thermography with neural network",
in Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE(D.O. Thompson et D.E. Chimenti ed.), pp. 611-617, Plenum, 1998.
[1028] Y. Largouët, Akbar Darabi and Xavier Maldague,
"Depth evaluation in pulsed phase thermography with neural network",
in Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE(D.O. Thompson et D.E. Chimenti ed.), pp. 611-617, Plenum, 1998.
[1029] Y. Largouët, Akbar Darabi and Xavier Maldague,
"Depth evaluation in pulsed phase thermography with neural network",
in Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE(D.O. Thompson et D.E. Chimenti ed.), pp. 611-617, Plenum, 1998.
[1030] Y. Largouët, Akbar Darabi and Xavier Maldague,
"Depth evaluation in pulsed phase thermography with neural network",
in Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE(D.O. Thompson et D.E. Chimenti ed.), pp. 611-617, Plenum, 1998.

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