Titre |
[1] |
Nabila Bouzida, Abdel Hakim Bendada and Xavier Maldague, "Near-Infrared Image Formation and Processing for the Hand Veins Extraction", Journal Of Modern Optics. Eds. Francis & Taylor. Accepted for publication on January 2010., vol. Special Issue of 'AITA 2009: International Workshop on Advanced Infrared Technology and Application AITA ', January 2010. |

[2] |
Nabila Bouzida, Abdel Hakim Bendada and Xavier Maldague, "Near-Infrared Image Formation and Processing for the Hand Veins Extraction", AITA 2009 - Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications, Florence, Italy, September 8 - 11 2009. |
[3] |
Nabila Bouzida, Abdel Hakim Bendada and Xavier Maldague, "Observation of the Human Body Thermoregulation and Extraction of its Vein Signature using NIR and MWIR Imaging", Smart Biomedical and Physiological Sensor Technology VI. SPIE Symposium on Defense, Security + Sensing, 13- 17, April 2009. |
[4] |
Nabila Bouzida, Abdel Hakim Bendada and Xavier Maldague, "Visualization of Body Thermoregulation by Infrared Imaging", Journal Of Thermal Biology- Elsevier. K. Bowler and J.E. Heath, Eds., Number 34, Received 21 July 2008; accepted 7 November 2008. Available online 13 December., vol. 34, no 3, pp. 120 -126, 2009. |
[5] |
Nabila Bouzida, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Jean-Marc Piau, Moulay Akhloufi, Xavier Maldague and Raymond Mathieu, "Using lock-in infrared thermography for the visualization of the hand vascular tree", in The Annual Infrared Thermography Applications Conference Thermosense XXX - Spie DS27, Orlando, Florida, vol. 6939, pp. 69390O, March, 16-20 2008. |
[6] |
Moulay Akhloufi, Nabila Bouzida, Abdel Hakim Bendada and Xavier Maldague, "Infrared physiological features extraction for biometrics", in 6th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, (Santorini Island, Greece), May 12-14 2008. |
[7] |
Nabila Bouzida and Laurent Peyrodie, "Exposant de Hurst pour l’analyse des fluctuations dans un signal Electroencéphalographique EEG", in Abstract in Proceedings of the 5th Colloquium on the Temporal and Spatiotemporal Chaos, (Le Havre, France), December 12 - 13 2005. |
[8] |
Nabila Bouzida, Laurent Peyrodie and Christian Vasseur, "Independent Component Analysis, Application to the Automatic filtering of an Electroencephalographic signal", in Proceedings of : Journées Sciences, Technologies et Imagerie pour la Médecine JSTIM’05, (Nancy, France), pp. 142-143, March 21-23 2005. |
[9] |
Nabila Bouzida, Laurent Peyrodie and Christian Vasseur, "ICA and a gauge of filter for the automatic filtering of an EEG signal", IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN '05), Montreal, Canada., pp. 2508-2513 vol. 4, 31 2005-Aug. 4 2005. |