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[1] Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu,
"Human gait characteristics from unconstrained walks and viewpoints",
in IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, (Barcelona, Spain), pp. 1883-1888, November 2011.
[2] Frédéric Jean, Alexandra Branzan-Albu and Chantal Dumoulin,
"Feature-Based Tracking of Urethral Motion in Low-Resolution Trans-Perineal Ultrasound",
in Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC ’11) (to appear), (Boston, MA, USA), September 2011.
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[3] Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu,
"Rectification métrique de la démarche d'une personne à partir d'une seule caméra calibrée",
in Vidéo numérique: Traitement, analyse et reconnaissance, ACFAS 2011, (Sherbrooke, QC, Canada), May 2011.
[4] Frédéric Jean and Alexandra Branzan-Albu,
"VIPERS: Visual Prototyping Environment for Real-Time Imaging Systems",
in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Software Visualization, (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA), pp. 211-212, October 25-26 2010.
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[5] Frédéric Jean, Alexandra Branzan-Albu and Robert Bergevin,
"Towards View-Invariant Gait Modeling: Computing View-Normalized Body Part Trajectories",
Pattern Recognition, vol. 42, no 11, pp. 2936-2949, November 2009.
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[6] Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu,
"Computing and Evaluating View-normalized Body Part Trajectories",
Image and Vision Computing, vol. 27, no 9, pp. 1272–1284, August 2009.
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[7] Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu,
"Trajectories Normalization for Viewpoint Invariant Gait Recognition",
in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'08), pp. 4, December 8-11 2008.
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[8] Frédéric Jean and Alexandra Branzan-Albu,
"The Visual Keyboard: Real-time Feet Tracking for the Control of Musical Meta-instruments",
Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 23, pp. 505-515, 2008.
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[9] Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin and Alexandra Branzan-Albu,
"View Normalization of Body Part Trajectories",
in Proceedings of the 18th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS 2008), (Windsor, Ontario, Canada), pp. 51, May 27-30 2008.
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[10] Frédéric Jean, Alexandra Branzan-Albu, Wolfgang Schloss and Peter Driessen,
"Computer Vision-based Interface for the Control of Musical Meta-instruments",
in Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, (Beijing, China), July 22-27 2007.
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