Clemente Ibarra, Ph. D.

  Infrared Vision


Computer Vision and Systems Laboratory


Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot 1102-D

Laval University

Sainte-Foy (Quebec) Canada, G1K 7P4








*=external link, =pdf file available



Ph. D. Electrical Engineering


Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

Laval University, Sainte-Foy (Quebec) Canada.



M. Sc. Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department

Laval University, Sainte-Foy (Quebec) Canada.



B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department

Regiomontana University,

Monterrey (Nuevo Leon) Mexico.



Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT&E) by Infrared Thermography (IT)


·      Qualitative and quantitative techniques in active thermography.

·      Complex shape inspection: non-planar forms, oriented surfaces.

·      Thermal modeling: homogeneous materials and anisotropic composites.



Digital signal processing and image analysis


·      Signal processing with the discrete Fourier Transform.

·      Infrared image acquisition and processing.

·      Image analysis in the presence of noise.



Heat transfer


·      Experimental determination of the convective heat transfer coefficient.

·      Thermal radiation principles.

·      Heat conduction through solids.



Statistical analysis


·      Principal Component Analysis (PCA).

·      Multivariate modeling by Partial Least Squares regression (PLS).



Research Engineer, ENSAIA-INPL , Nancy (Lorraine) France.


·      Responsible for conducting research, prepare technical reports and expose monthly briefings in two major projects directly related to the industrial partners cited below.

·      Investigated the potential of paper as a packaging material for chocolate bars and cookies applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on sensory data. For Ahlstrom Paper Group , Pont-Evêque, France.

·      Developed a multivariate quality prediction model for peaches and apples by Partial Least Squares regression (PLS) using physico-chemical and sensory data. For the Ctifl  (Inter-professional technical center of fruits & vegetables), Paris, France.



Graduate Assistant, Mechanical Engineering Department , Laval University, Sainte-Foy (Quebec) Canada.


·      Designed and constructed a data acquisition system for the characterization of a cylindrical water reservoir to be used as a bat shelter's heating source.

·      Elaborated two manual guides for Radiation and Convection laboratory courses.

·      Surveyed and corrected exams on heat transfer courses.



Research Engineer, CIDES, Saint-Hyacinthe (Quebec) Canada. CIDES- Experimental Development and Information Center in Greenhouse Crops .


·      Designed and constructed a heat exchanger prototype for the experimental characterization of a heat exchanger used on greenhouse dehumidification.


Summer 1994

Assistant Engineer, Energy Savings, Toluca, (Estado de Mexico) Mexico


·      Proposed and implemented procedures to reduce the energy consumption on beer production lines, vapor conduits and illumination in warehouses. For the Cuauhtemoc-Moctezuma Brewery .

Other qualifications:

Scholarships and awards:

§       Quebec Excellency Scholarship Program - PQBE, from 1997 to 2000.

§       Recognition for the high notes (Autumn 1995 - Regiomontana University).

Computer skills:


§       Windows XP/2000/ME/98/95/NT.

§       MS Office: Word, Excel, and Power Point.

§       Internet Explorer, Netscape, FTP.


§       English.

§       French.

§       Spanish.

Affiliations :

§       ASME : member since 2000.

§       IEEE : member since 2002

§       SPIE : member since 2004.




Ibarra-Castanedo C. “Quantitative Subsurface Defect Evaluation By Pulsed Phase Thermography: Depth Retrieval with the Phase,” Ph.D. Thesis, Laval University. in course


Ibarra-Castanedo C. “Caractérisation expérimentale des échanges sensibles et latents dans un échangeur de chaleur à contre courant pour la gestion de l'humidité dans des serres,” M.Sc. Thesis, Laval University, 2000. in French

Referred Journal Papers


Ibarra-Castanedo C., Avdelidis N. P. and Maldague X. “Complex Shape Inspection by Pulsed Phase Thermography,” Materials Evaluation , 2005. in preparation


Ibarra-Castanedo C., Avdelidis N. P. and Maldague X. “Quantitative Pulsed Phase Thermography Applied to Steel Plates,” Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering , 2005. in preparation


Ibarra-Castanedo C. and Maldague X. “Interactive Methodology for Optimized Defect Characterization by Quantitative Pulsed Phase Thermography,” Research in Nondestructive Evaluation , 2005. in preparation


González D. A., Ibarra-Castanedo C., Madruga F. J. and Maldague X. “Differentiated Absolute Phase Contrast Algorithm for the Analysis of Pulsed Thermographic Sequences,” Infrared Physics and Technology , 2005. submitted


Ibarra-Castanedo C., González D., Klein M. Pilla M., Vallerand S. and Maldague X. “Infrared Image Processing and Data Analysis,” Infrared Physics and Technology  , 46(1-2):75-83, 2004.


Ibarra-Castanedo C. and Maldague X. “Pulsed Phase Thermography Reviewed,” QIRT Journal, 1(1):47-70, 2004.


Avdelidis N. P., Ibarra-Castanedo C., Maldague X., Marioli-Riga Z.P., Almond D.P., “A Thermographic Comparison Study for the Assessment of Composite Patches,” Infrared Physics and Technology ,  45(4):291-299, 2004.


Avdelidis N. P., Almond D. P., Dobbinson A., Hawtin B. C., Ibarra-Castanedo C., Maldague X. Invited Review Paper: "Aircraft composites assessment by means of transient thermal NDT", Progress in Aerospace Sciences ,  40(3):143-162, 2004.


Ibarra-Castanedo C., Jacquet P. and Rousse D. R. “Intercambiador de calor para el control de humedad en invernaderos,” Ciencia UANL , 4(1):63-68, 2001.

Papers in Referred Conference Proceedings


Ibarra-Castanedo C. and Maldague X. “New Algorithm based on the Hough Transform for the Analysis of Pulsed Thermographic Sequences,” Fifth International Workshop Advances in Signal Processing for Non Destructive Evaluation of Materials (IWASPNDE), Université Laval, Quebec City (QC) Canada, 2-4 August, 2005. submitted.


González D. A., Ibarra-Castanedo C., López-Higuera J. M., and Maldague X. “New Algorithm based on the Hough Transform for the Analysis of Pulsed Thermographic Sequences,” Fifth International Workshop Advances in Signal Processing for Non Destructive Evaluation of Materials (IWASPNDE), Université Laval, Quebec City, QC, CA, 2-4 August, 2005. submitted.


Ibarra-Castanedo C. and Maldague X. “Pulsed Phase Thermography Inversion Procedure using Normalized Parameters to Account for Defect Size Variations,” Proc. SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Thermosense XXVII , 5782-43, Orlando, FL, 2005.


Ibarra-Castanedo C. Avdelidis N. P. and Maldague X. “Quantitative Pulsed Phase Thermography Applied to Steel Plates,” Proc. SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Thermosense XXVII , 5782-44, Orlando, FL, 2005.


Ibarra-Castanedo C., González D.A. and Maldague X. “Automatic Algorithm for Quantitative Pulsed Phase Thermography Calculations,” CD of Proceedings 16th WCNDT - World Conference on Nondestructive Testing , Montreal (Quebec), August 30 - September 3, 2004.


Avdelidis N. P., Ibarra-Castanedo C., Maldague X., Almond D. P. and Moropoulou A. “Thermal NDT&E of Composite Aircraft Repairs,” CD of Proceedings 16th WCNDT - World Conference on Nondestructive Testing , Montreal (Quebec), August 30 - September 3, 2004.


Ibarra-Castanedo C. and Maldague X. “Pulsed Phase Thermography Reviewed,” Proc. QIRT 7 – Quantitative Infrared Thermography , Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, July 5-8, 2004.


González D. A., Ibarra-Castanedo C., Pilla M., Klein M., López-Higuera J. M.and Maldague X. “Automatic Interpolated Differentiated Absolute Contrast Algorithm for the Analysis of Pulsed Thermographic Sequence,” Proc. QIRT 7 – Quantitative Infrared Thermography, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, July 5-8, 2004.


Ibarra-Castanedo C. and Maldague X. “Traitement numérique de données thermiques par thermographie de phase pulsée quantitative pour l’évaluation non-destructive des matériaux,” Proc. CCECE-Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering , Volume 3, Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering; Technology Driving Innovation, p 1757-1760. Niagara Falls (Ontario), May 2-5, 2004. Poster in French (56 x 42 in)


Ibarra-Castanedo C. and Maldague X. “Defect Depth Retrieval from Pulsed Phase Thermographic Data on Plexiglas and Aluminum Samples,” Proc. SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Thermosense XXVI , 5405:348-355, 2004.


Avdelidis N. P., Almond D. P., Dobbinson A., Hawtin B., Ibarra-Castanedo C. and Maldague X. “Thermal Transient Thermographic NDT & E of Composites,” Proc. SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Thermosense XXVI , 5405:403-413, 2004.


Torresan H., Turgeon B., Ibarra-Castanedo C., Hébert P. and Maldague X. “Advanced Surveillance Systems: Combining Video and Thermal Imagery for Pedestrian Detection,” Proc. SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Thermosense XXVI , 5405:506-515, 2004.


Ibarra-Castanedo C., Galmiche F., Darabi A., Pilla M., Klein M., Ziadi A., Vallerand S., Pelletier J.-F. and Maldague X. “Thermographic nondestructive evaluation: overview of recent progress,” Proc. SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Thermosense XXV , 5073:450-459, 2003. poster (51 x 42 in)


Maldague X., Galmiche F., Ibarra-Castanedo C. and Ziadi A. “Review of Pulse Phase Thermography,” TPP 2002 PK-Opto SEP, November 2002, p 67-73.


Rousse D.R., Lapointe C., Ibarra-Castanedo C. and Jacquet P. “A Heated Thermistor Air Velocity Sensor,” Proc. ASME-IMECE Heat Transfer. Paper no. 21912, New York, 2001.


Ibarra-Castanedo C. and Rousse D.R. “Thermal Characterization of a Multitube Heat Exchanger with Phase Change,” Proc. 4e Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois de Thermique, Montréal (Quebec) Canada, 1999, p 65-70. 30 minutes oral presentation in French

Referred Conference Abstracts


Ibarra-Castanedo C., Galmiche F. and Maldague X. “Synthetic Data in Infrared Thermography for NonDestructive Evaluation,” Proc. Annual Congress of the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) , Quebec City (Quebec) Canada, June 2-5, 2002, p 88. 30 minutes oral presentation


Ibarra-Castanedo C. and Rousse D.R. “Experimental Thermal Characterization of a Counterflow Heat Exchanger with Phase Change,” Proc. 17e Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM 1999, Hamilton (Ontario) Canada, May 30-June 3, 1999, p 281-283. 25 minutes oral presentation

Research Reports


Ibarra-Castanedo C., Rivet-Sabourin G., Fournials R. and Maldague X.M. “Exploitation dans les bandes visible et infrarouge des données spectrales du maïs en serre à différents niveaux de stress azoté et de stress hydrique,” Faculté de Foresterie et de Géomatique, Laval University, 53 p, May 2002. in French


Ibarra-Castanedo C. and Desobry S. “Rapport d’étude préliminaire sur la modélisation d’un indice qualité pour pommes et pêches,” Final Report pour Ahlstrom Paper Group , Pont-Evêque, France, 22 p, July 2001. in French


Ibarra-Castanedo C. and Desobry S. “Rapport d’étude préliminaire sur la modélisation d’un indice qualité pour pommes et pêches,” Final Report CTIFL , Paris, France, 38 p, July 2001. in French


Martin D., Rousse D., Thériault R., Boily R., Boudreault J., Leveillée F., Lemay G., Ibarra-Castanedo C. and Poire P. “Optimisation et essai d’un échangeur de chaleur conçu pour la déshumidification des serres,” Final Report CIDES , Saint-Hyacinthe (QC) Canada, 41 p, February 1999. in French




Copyright © 2005 Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo

Updated : October 24, 2006.