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Non-linear Soft Tissue Deformations for the Simulation of Percutaneous Surgeries

Jean-Marc Schwartz, Ève Langelier, Christian Moisan and Denis Laurendeau

Abstract - We introduce a non-linear extension of the tensor-mass method for real-time computation of biological soft tissue deformations. We aim at developing a simulation tool for the planning of cryogenic surgical treatment of liver cancer. This therapy requirescareful planning, therefore accurate modeling of the mechanical behavior of organs is required. Our method presently allows real-time computation of non-linear elastic tissue deformations, and further extension towards viscoelasticity modeling is planned

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    author    = { Jean-Marc Schwartz and Ève Langelier and Christian Moisan and Denis Laurendeau },
    title     = { Non-linear Soft Tissue Deformations for the Simulation of Percutaneous Surgeries },
    booktitle = { Proc. MICCAI 2001 (Utrecht, The Netherlands, 14-17 October 2001) },
    volume    = { 2208 },
    series    = { Lecture Notes on Computer Science },
    pages     = { 1271-1272 },
    year      = { 2001 },
    journal   = { MICCAI 2001, LNCS 2208 }

Dernière modification: 2002/09/25 par schwartz


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