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Three-dimensional tracking for efficient fire fighting in complex situations

Moulay Akhloufi and Lucile Rossi

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Abstract - Each year, hundred millions hectares of forests burn causing human and economic losses. For efficient fire fighting, the personnel in the ground need tools permitting the prediction of fire front propagation.
In this work, we present a new technique for automatically tracking fire spread in three-dimensional space. The proposed approach uses a stereo system to extract a 3D shape from fire images.
A new segmentation technique is proposed and permits the extraction of fire regions in complex unstructured scenes. It works in the visible spectrum and combines information extracted from YUV and RGB color spaces. Unlike other techniques, our algorithm does not require previous knowledge about the scene.
The resulting fire regions are classified into different homogenous zones using clustering techniques. Contours are then extracted and a feature detection algorithm is used to detect interest points like local maxima and corners. Extracted points from stereo images are then used to compute the 3D shape of the fire front. The resulting data permits to build the fire volume. The final model is used to compute important spatial and temporal fire characteristics like: spread dynamics, local orientation, heading direction, etc.
Tests conducted on the ground show the efficiency of the proposed scheme. This scheme is being integrated with a fire spread mathematical model in order to predict and anticipate the fire behaviour during fire fighting. Also of interest to fire-fighters, is the proposed automatic segmentation technique that can be used in early detection of fire in complex scenes.

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    author    = { Moulay Akhloufi and Lucile Rossi },
    title     = { Three-dimensional tracking for efficient fire fighting in complex situations },
    booktitle = { Visual Information Processing XVIII },
    volume    = { 7341 },
    series    = { SPIE },
    pages     = { 734109 },
    address   = { Orlando, FL, USA },
    year      = { 2009 },
    month     = { April },
    keywords  = { Tracking, segmentation, 3D vision, color vision, fire. },
    language  = { English },
    web       = { http://spie.org/x648.html?product_id=818270 }

Dernière modification: 2010/02/21 par akhloufi


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