Virtual Environment and Sensori-Motor Activities: Haptic, Auditory and Olfactory Devices
Marielle Mokhtari, François Bernier, François Lemieux, Hugues Martel, Jean-Marc Schwartz, Denis Laurendeau and Alexandra Branzan-Albu
author = { Marielle Mokhtari and François Bernier and François Lemieux and Hugues Martel and Jean-Marc Schwartz and Denis Laurendeau and Alexandra Branzan-Albu },
title = { Virtual Environment and Sensori-Motor Activities: Haptic, Auditory and Olfactory Devices },
booktitle = { The 12th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG2004) },
volume = { 1-3 },
number = { 12 },
pages = { 109-112 },
publisher = { UNION Agency - Science Press, Plzen, Czech Republic },
address = { University of West Bohemia, Plzen - Bory, Czech Republic },
year = { 2004 },
month = { Feb. 2-6 },
ISBN = { 80-903100-6-0 }
Dernière modification: 2004/06/28 par branzan