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Structural Indexing Extended to Fuzzy Graphs of 2D Parts

Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau and Robert Bergevin

Abstract - Robust object recognition and image retrieval often lead to the construction of attributed graphs. When dealing with im-ages of real scenes, these graphs must include fuzzy attributes to account for interpretation uncertainties and describe prop-erly theobserved object or scene. This paper first presents a 3D object model that requires the use of a graph with fuzzy at-tributes. This model is computed from a single 2D image of an object. Then, our method to match these graphs is introduced. This method isan extension of structural indexing. Being based on structural indexing, our method can match graphs with fuzzy attributes in large databases. A first experiment demonstrates the validity of our matching method, and a second one compares the performanceof the combination of our model and our matching method with humans performing a similar task.

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    author    = { Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau and Robert Bergevin },
    title     = { Structural Indexing Extended to Fuzzy Graphs of 2D Parts },
    booktitle = { ICISP 2003 },
    pages     = { 61-68 },
    year      = { 2003 },
    location  = { Agadir, Morocco }

Dernière modification: 2003/05/21 par bilodeau


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