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Open BEAGLE: A New Versatile C++ Framework for Evolutionary Computations

Christian Gagné and Marc Parizeau

Abstract - This paper introduces a new Evolutionary Computation (EC) environment named Open BEAGLE, that we have been developing and improving since 1999. Coded in C++, this framework has solid object oriented foundations based on design patterns. It contains a basic generic EC framework on which other specialized frameworks can easily be constructed. Release 1.0 of Open BEAGLE implements two specialized frameworks: a simple genetic algorithms framework, and a complete genetic programming framework. Its power and ease of use is demonstrated through an example of the later in the context of the classic symbolic regression problem.

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    author    = { Christian Gagné and Marc Parizeau },
    title     = { Open BEAGLE: A New Versatile C++ Framework for Evolutionary Computations },
    booktitle = { Late breaking papers, Genetic and Evolutionary Computing COnference (GECCO) },
    pages     = { 161-168 },
    year      = { 2002 },
    month     = { July 9-13 },
    location  = { New York }

Dernière modification: 2002/06/14 par parizeau


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