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Cost effectiveness analysis of antiviral treatment in the management of seasonal influenza A: point-of-care rapid test versus clinical judgment

Léon Nshimyumukiza, Xavier Douville, Diane Fournier, Julie Duplantie, Rana Daher, Isabelle Charlebois, Jean Longtin, Jesse Papenburg, Maryse Guay, Maurice Boissinot, Michel G. Bergeron, Denis Boudreau, Christian Gagné, François Rousseau and Daniel Reinharz

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Abstract - Influenza causes over than 4 000 deaths in Canada annually, the large majority of which are attributable to type A strains [1]. While vaccination is the cornerstone of prevention, antiviral drugs are the only specific medication for influenza infection. They are most effective at reducing complications when used early (within 48 h of illness onset) [2]. Management of influenza infections remains a challenge, mainly because of the difficulty in making a rapid and accurate diagnosis. Clinical diagnostic criteria lack accuracy compared with laboratory methods because influenza causes a wide spectrum of disease that is often clinically indistinguishable from other respiratory infections [3].

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    author    = { Léon Nshimyumukiza and Xavier Douville and Diane Fournier and Julie Duplantie and Rana Daher and Isabelle Charlebois and Jean Longtin and Jesse Papenburg and Maryse Guay and Maurice Boissinot and Michel G. Bergeron and Denis Boudreau and Christian Gagné and François Rousseau and Daniel Reinharz },
    title     = { Cost effectiveness analysis of antiviral treatment in the management of seasonal influenza A: point-of-care rapid test versus clinical judgment },
    volume    = { 10 },
    number    = { 2 },
    pages     = { 113--121 },
    year      = { 2016 },
    month     = { 03 },
    journal   = { Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses },
    web       = { http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/irv.12359 }

Dernière modification: 2015/11/20 par cgagne


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