3D target tracking using a pan and tilt stereovision system
Moulay Akhloufi, Ayann Regent and Rivonala Ssosse
author = { Moulay Akhloufi and Ayann Regent and Rivonala Ssosse },
title = { 3D target tracking using a pan and tilt stereovision system },
booktitle = { Proc. of SPIE, Defense, Security, and Sensing, Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems and Applications X },
volume = { 8713 },
pages = { 8713-38 },
year = { 2013 },
month = { 29 April - 3 May, },
location = { Baltimore, MA, USA }
Dernière modification: 2014/03/27 par akhloufi