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Measurement of the geometric characteristics of a fire front by stereovision techniques on field experiments

Lucile Rossi, Thierry Molinier, Antoine Pieri, Moulay Akhloufi, Yves Tison and Frédéric Bosseur

Abstract - This paper presents stereovision techniques for measurement of the geometrical properties (position, rate of spread, fire height, fire inclination angle, fire base width, view factor) of fires obtained by experimental burnings at field scale. The system consists of two synchronized and pre-calibrated multi-baseline stereo cameras operating in the visible spectrum. The cameras are positioned in the back and the lateral positions relatively to the direction of fire propagation. Algorithms have been developed in order to (i) register these cameras, (ii) model in three dimensions the fire front from the back stereoscopic images and (iii) estimate some geometrical properties of fire such as the inclination angle and the fire base width from the lateral stereoscopic images. A user graphical interface was developed as a practical tool to estimate fire propagation features and to display the obtained results. Fire spread experiments were conducted at field scale (about 20 m wide and 3 m high). The fuel consists of Mediterranean shrub vegetation. The obtained results are promising and show interesting performance achieved by the proposed system in operational and complex fire scenarios.


    author    = { Lucile Rossi and Thierry Molinier and Antoine Pieri and Moulay Akhloufi and Yves Tison and Frédéric Bosseur },
    title     = { Measurement of the geometric characteristics of a fire front by stereovision techniques on field experiments },
    volume    = { 22 },
    number    = { 12 },
    pages     = { 125504 },
    year      = { 2011 },
    month     = { November },
    journal   = { Measurement Science and Technology }

Dernière modification: 2014/03/27 par akhloufi


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